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By Arvixe


The Bassholes

Welcome to the LPLT website, an experience almost as unique as the eclectic group of characters who are card carrying members of the LPLT cult.  Before describing each individual a couple of things bear mentioning.  First and foremost, the group has two contingents, sort of like the American and National League, if you will.  Being lovers of the great sport of hockey the LPLT crew is aligned along hockey fan bases, as detail below.

First, the good guys, or the GLC (Great Lakes Contingent) and fans of the fabulous Detroit Red Wings:

  Bill "Buck" Ames - Charter Member 1977 - is the groups' Vice Chairman and, along with Deadeye, the only other charter member of the LPLT crew.  Buck also shares most of the primary cooking duties with Deadeye and is particularly famous for his specialty biscuits and gravy and his signature cocktail, the "Buckwheat".  While not much of a fisherman, Buck is legendary for his penchant for nickname creation, taste in Vodka, wager making, and is the groups official Poet Laureate.
  Mike "Banjo" Wood - member since 1997 - came by his nickname the old fashioned way, he earned it through a feat thought impossible - he actually caught a Walleye using the "Banjo Minnow System" - a life changing experience.  And speaking of life changing experiences, Banjo actually survived his wife's wrath after depositing his wedding ring at the bottom of Lake Powell.  He is our official computer geek, electrician, lead guitarist and arsonist.
  Fred "The Doo" Shuart - member since 1999? - the GLC's token Polish representative. Strangely, the "Doo" has chosen to go MIA the last few years. We're not sure if he's afraid of getting out fished by Wallstreet or just doesn't care for the Wine by the Drum selections that Wallstreet brought last time.  Hopefully "The Doo" will get his wife's permission to come out and play again soon.
  Dennis "Knickerknocker" Nybakken - member since 1981 - An illustrious Banking Executive from the Minneapolis area with outstanding hockey savvy and Norwegian heritage. Sort of the Quiet Assassin member of the GLC, and the father portion of the only father/son tandem to ever join the club.  A great fisherman and vodka drinker in his own right!


  Gary "Flagman" Auten - member since 2005 - is the newest member of the GLC team and a 2005 rookie (Oh what lessons he has to learn).  Flagman is our groups' resident Hells Angel and a legendary beer drinker by reputation and proportion.  With his meticulous Engineer's attention to detail Flagman ain't much of a sprinter but he's sure to be a strong finisher to every race!
Next, the well experienced providers of the GLC Community Booze and unfortunate followers of Claude "the turtle" Lemieux, Paddy "the wife beater" Waah and other despicable Colorado AvNots, aka the DC (Durango Contingent), in no particular order:
  James E. "Deadeye" Morehart - Charter Member 1977 - Our Grand Pooh-Bah and CEO, aka Jimmie Wayne, aka Wayno, aka Jimmy Moreforehead . . . I think you get the picture. Although a respected businessman, in his spare time Deadeye has a penchant for sleeping with hash-marked skivvies on his head and for peddling across the U. S. in his pink leotards (yes, when there are several other reliable modes of transportation available). He is the only member to make every one of the previous 28 tours. A true fishing legend he is still using the same equipment after 28 years and his Budweiser reel is a classic.
  Max "Stinky" Scholfield - member since 1991 - An outstanding, avid fisherman, part time stock broker (at least he's broken most of his clients we hear tell), former Kansan, and Master Flaggelator. Stinky also brews up a terrific bowl of posole and a mean mess of fresh fish.  If Stinky can't catch 'em or cook 'em you might as well pack up and go home.
  Dick "The Drug Dealer" Byler - member since ? - Cousin of Stinky, also a former Kansan, former Pharmacist, and current Mexican citizen. Byler has also been MIA for the last 10 or 15 years but we keep inviting him cause he always sends good stuff and we hold out hope that we'll all get to witness him brutalize the DC Polski just one more time.
  Wally "Wallstreet" Brynarksi - member since 1992 - A former Chicago Polock who does the stereotype proud. Now retired, a former day trader (code for legalized theft of investor funds). Wallstreet is truly a joy to have along as you just can't wait to see what he says or does next. Almost outdid himself in 2004 with his Harry Carey sunglasses disguise, but may have jeopardized his future inclusion as . . . Don't tell anyone this cause it's a secret . . . the Executive Committee has ruled that only one member of each household can attend future trips and, right now, Bogie (The Dog Ski) appears to be the People's Choice (and we'll bet Bogie wouldn't forget the cinnamon rolls).
  Jon "Luther" Ellis - member since 1980 - Now of Denver and CEO of the wildly successful enterprise, Dependable Drywall (talk about your classic oxymoron). Luther, aka Jon Boy, is to fishing what Flagman is to Weight Watchers, and master of the quick release system. I believe Luther is now #3 on the LPLT seniority list and needs to be placed in charge of the DC booze procuring, assuming a continuation of the DC 3 year booze buying trend.  Watch out for Luther . . . he calls 'em as he sees 'em, and even though he don't know jack about hockey!
  Don "Freeburg" Freemyer - member since ? - The DC's other token member. Obviously we don't like to say too much about the fact that we allow a member of the Legal profession to accompany us, but he makes a wicked pot of beans and an awesome Green Chili so we just tell people he's a convicted Child Molester. Freeburg also likes beer that works better with a fork than a straw.  If Freebie would spend as much time fishing as he does asking Stinky about tackle or studying his Spanish lessons he might actually catch a fish one of these years.  But, then, that'll cut down on his Gin and Tequila guzzles.

  Errol "Jake" Jensen - member since 1990 - our resident Mormon, Jake also came by his nickname the old fashioned way . . . he earned it, and almost died one year of Plastic Poisoning (let that be a lesson to you to never drink Jim Beam out of a plastic jug). Jake is our water expert and knows Powell better than most anyone else on the planet. We miss him greatly when he can't make the trip.....mainly cause of the outstanding vitals his wife Grace sends along!!!!
  Billy "Deuce" Nybakken - member since ? - You may recognize the similarity of last name with one of the GLC Good Guys. This is Knickerknocker's offspring, and I do mean, "OFF" as in something is off with a guy living in the Great Lakes and chooses the Colorado AvNots as his favorite hockey team. That notwithstanding we all wish "Deuce" would grace us with his presence once again (and maybe change his name to "Tres"). Deuce does have some redeeming traits despite his hockey preference and actually built a custom rod for Deadeye and, even more surprisingly, actually helped him catch a fish with it. A feat seldom repeated since Deuce's last trip.
  Gary "Ponch" Torgerson - member since 2009 - Ponch is the Brother-in-Law of Luther Ellis and must have those rumored "Goat" pictures of Ole Jon Boy to have wrangled an invitation.  Actually Ponch is a retired Colorado Highway Patrolman, thus the nickname from the CHiPs TV show of the 70's and 80's.  He is also reportedly a bowler of some renown, at least according to him.  And, as a fisherman, he is a hell of a bowler.  Ponch has also earned quite a reputation, and some other unmentionable nicknames, for his disdain of some of life's finer things, such as Green Chile, Mexican food, and Mustard.
  Ray "Raggae" Gates - member since 2010 - Ray came to us through his friendship with Wallstreet, making him Wally's most significant contribution since the "Shit Stick".  And, just for the record, his nickname has nothing to do with any personal preference . . . if that were the case it would be "V. O.".  Actually Reggae was a very welcome addition as he brought his own boat.  Despite his difficulty maneuvering the ever elusive gang plank, Reggae is a pretty decent fisherman with his Rattle Trap, as long as he can keep his boat away from Wallstreet. 
There you have it.  That is pretty much the entire cast, other than Mathis (no, Ed, not Johnny) he doesn't have an email address so he misses out on all the real fun.  Oh, and there's Willie (as in Nelson) who's made every trip in voice and occasionally Jose and Ralph show up (but you hardly ever get one without the other).  And, in memoriam, our pal Chuck "Sparky" Lyle, the worlds greatest Willie fan and Jasper "I'm so hung-over even my hair hurts" Vallejos, who have gone on to the Big Lake in the Sky but certainly are with us on each and every trip. 

It's a motley cast of rogues, to be sure, but they share the same admirable passion for the awesome beauty of Lake Powell, the timeless traditions of the LPLT experience, the incredible drinking and dining decadence, and the brotherhood that is born from great times, great laughs, and great friends.  We also share one common belief...."If Lake Powell ain't heaven, you can see it from there!"


 - Our Missing Compadres -

  Chuck "Sparky" Lyle

  Jasper Vallejos  - Charter Member 1977

And last but certainly not least.....

  Willie (as in Nelson) - his reply to an offer to join us on a tour.

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April 5, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 108.9 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 45.2% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 04/05/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
57.0° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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