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LPLT 2004
The year of the "Magnificent Seven"

by Buck Ames


Well, by my count there are way more sleeps than I want to even think about before the 2005 LPLT event. Thought I would share some thoughts from 2004. First, Knicker, Jake, The Doo, Deuce, Byler, and Mathis were all sorely missed. A good time was certainly had by all 7 (8 if you count Bogey) of the 2004 attendees, and it was kind of nice only having to fool with only 2 fishing boats and the morning lines outside the facilities were not as long, but each of the missing members always adds a special flavor to the trip that is just not the same when they are gone. Especially for the missing guys, here are a few trip highlights:

First, the fishing was dramatically better than last year. In fact, it was the best I can remember for the last several years. Having said that it was almost exclusively smallmouth bass. Still lots of very little ones with only a few over 1 to 1 and 1/2 pounds. Some of the larger females were quite stuffed with eggs and they were all immediately released. Couple of Stripers, but I saw NO largemouth or Crappie, and our boat had only one Walleye. Wallstreet caught one catfish off the back of the houseboat, which apparently didn't set too well with that community as, the next night, he learned the art of overnight pole securement, the hard way. There's going to be one very unhappy catfish in that lake for a while. The water level is deplorably low at some 120 feet below "full pool". It's really difficult to describe how low it is until you see it for yourself. In fact it is so low that they have NO boat rentals at Halls so we were forced to get our houseboat from Bullfrog. After much discussion we decided to drive directly to Bullfrog. The first indication we had on the low water level is that the Hite's Marina is completely closed and the facilities are nowhere near the current water level. Right above Hite the road crosses the incoming Colorado River. I've never seen the River in "normal" times but what I saw was a muddy trickle compared to what I anticipated. It is actually a pretty drive to Bullfrog and we finally got there about 1pm. Difficult to say exactly how much longer it actually takes as the additional beverage consumption did require some additional stops, at unfamiliar locations. Most of the Bullfrog facilities are also far away from the water. The Marina store cannot be accessed from the water. The rental area has been moved. The concrete area of the boat launch is completely out of the water and if the lake goes down much more they will have to look for a different area, as the current area is very shallow. The Ferry on the Bullfrog side is running out of temporary location, accessed by a "new" dirt road. With the lower water level we thought we might find some new camp spots in places like Annie's Canyon but no such luck. We did find an excellent site in the area across from the New Spall, in between what used to be Cave Canyon and Edna's. I remember we used to fish that little finger without any success but there is a very nice spot there for one boat ONLY so it was great.

As is often the case, the weather was absolutely perfect, for two days, the day we arrived and the day we left. Wednesday was warm but very windy. We fished in the am with good success but didn't even attempt to go out in the afternoon. Thursday am was decent but it rained most of the afternoon and a cold front moved in that night. In fact, Durango had 4 inches of snow that night. Friday was a decent day but fishing was quite a bit slower right after the front. Banjo and Freeburg were the only ones to brave every night on top, but that may have had more to do with consumption than conviction. There is a rumor about Stinky, Deadeye, and Bogey becoming "intimate" one night but you all know about "what happens at Lake Powell . . . ". 

The food was exceptional as usual, despite missing Grace's tortillas, breakfast burritos, etc, etc. Deadeyes Chili Verde heat index soared to new levels and the red chili and LP Casserole were outstanding, Freebies beans and green chili were exceptional, and Stinky's posole was consistently superb. I'd like to be able to review what Wallstreet described as his best batch of Cinnamon Rolls ever. However, since they spent the trip in Durango I guess we'll have to take his word for it. There was a new fish preparation method invented on Friday night (only to be improved on in the future), and dinner was on the Veranda, which was a very nice touch. The Library was thinned out considerably and the AV equipment supplied by the "other" Polish guy worked without a hitch. As for beverages, there are several story lines. First, the DC boys did (sort of) honor their commitment to buy the booze for the trip. However, they cannot agree among themselves what the term "community booze" means so Stinky went without any scotch, Jake could have suffered plastic poisoning from water only. Fortunately there was one fifth of "truly premium vodka", one fifth of gin and two bottles of wine (that's right Doo, 2, count em, only 2) left over from previous years. The High Roller DC boys sent their Polish contingent out of state for the "premium vodka". He returned with 2 bottles of Sky and one bottle of Schmirnoff - NO Kettle One, NO Grey Goose, NO Belvedere, or other accepted "Premium" vodkas. The fact that there was a small amount of Sky remaining can be attributed more to small numbers, old age, cold weather, and very mediocre quality, much more than proper tactical planning on the part of the DC. Saturday am was interesting as we were packed and moving with both fishing boats tied on by 7am. At about 8:20 we sent a small boat and two drivers to Bullfrog to retrieve the two vehicles and empty trailers and ferry them across to Hall's. We learned a couple of valuable lessons. First, the Ferry leaves "ON TIME" and we made it with almost 2 minutes to spare. Secondly, they are very proud of their Ferry and charge $1 per horizontal foot for the ride. I'm not sure I actually had $76 of fun in that 20 minute ride but the logistics worked out very well. There is still plenty of water at the boat launch at Hall's and we were out of there in time to be back in Durango by around 3:30 Saturday afternoon.

Finally, we agreed that we will wait and see what happens with the 2004/2005 NHL season before we agree on another wager. Hopefully by that time the DC boys will have also come to consensus on the "Community Booze" definition. In the meantime both our hockey teams are 3-2, facing elimination in game 6, but from different directions, with the AvNots having a little momentum, and the Wings without "The Captain", who is lucky he can still see. Would still like to see a Western Conference finals between our two teams but it's going to take a lot of luck.

That's about it for now, boys. Thanks to everyone for another wonderful trip. A few of my pictures turned out pretty well and I'll get those to Banjo to see if we can figure out a way to get them shared with everyone either by web or disk. The only other highlight was on Buck's birthday when Jimmy Wayne "spilled" a glass of water on Buck, and Buck then sort of "accidentally" misplaced his dirty vodka and blue cheese olives on Deadeye, but, again, "What happens at Lake Powell . . . ".

Until then, Bassholes, just make darn sure everyone shows up for 2005!  P. S. GO WINGS!!!!!

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Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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