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LPLT 2010
"All is Right with the World"

by Buck Ames



Saturday, April 24, 2010

With the ?sleep? count at 3 before the day finally arrives for 2010, the day is also finally here to depart from the doldrums of Michigan for God?s Country.  Not that he?s excited or anything but Buck awakens at 2:49am, 4:20 am, and for good at 6:15.  At this point Ginners is even more excited for him to go than he is.  After a morning of final packing, online check-in, trip to the bank, and one last heavy dose of corn starch, it is time to depart for the airport.  Buck and Ginners pick up Banjo at 12:15 and Flagman at 12:30 and head for the airport.  We arrive at 1:45 and check our bags.  We then discover that our resident engineer has decided to check two small bags (for $55), rather than one large one (for $23).  I wonder how much data we?re gonna have to provide for the analysis of that strategy in the future?  We make it through security and stop at Champp?s Sports Bar.  Buck orders a scotch/water, Pole a Sam Adams, and Banjo opts for a . . . .water, yes, he said water.  We then launch into a thorough discussion of the NFL Draft, IPA, hockey, IPA, Banjo?s funk, IPA, boobs, IPA, baseball, IPA, and did I mention IPA?  We then discover that worse than not drinking, Banjo is actually working.  He finally returns and announces that he?s officially done working, but refuses to turn off his phone.  Pole and Buck protest by drinking some more.  We then head on to the gate and during the TSA random screening, Banjo offers up to no one in particular that it?s always best to put the bomb on the top so they don?t have to look too far for it.  Don?t think they appreciated his humor but that?s OK, he wasn?t too partial to them either.  We are on a small Regional jet with a drop dead gorgeous blond Flight Attendant but with a very bad attitude.  Doesn?t look like Buck is gonna get to help serve drinks on this flight.  Pole manages to run off his seat mate even before we depart, with some lame ass excuse about having to ?go a lot? but methinks he?s just an astute judge of character.  As we look around, we notice there are a ton of little munchkins on board . . . Banjo may have to double up on the drugs.  We depart about 30 min late for a 2 ? hour flight.  Banjo dives for the ear plugs early, especially since there is a Dad and 2 young daughters right behind us.  He?s one of these assholes who have the unique ability to piss you off just by breathing.  He has the ?try to impress the entire plane with my intellect? pedal all the way to the floor.  Soon he launches into song with one of the most irritating little ditties I?ve ever heard . . . something about ?a hole in the bottom of the sea?.  We quickly discover this thing will last about as long as 99 bottles of beer on the wall so me and Pole order doubles whilst Banjo (thankfully) snoozes.  After about an hour, and into our third drink and with only about 14 bottles of beer still on the wall, Banjo awakens and finally has a cocktail.  We land in Denver (it?s a miracle there wasn?t either a homicide or a suicide ? thank God for drugs and earplugs) at 4:38 MDT.  After a very uneventful time in Denver and a very rough flight to Durango, Ole Deadeye meets us with cocktails for the long trip to the Casa.  We arrive around 9pm and Sunni Jane is thrilled to see us (slight Editor Exaggeration).  We dine on Combo Burritos from Griegos, esta mucho bueno!!!  We watch the Avs lose 5-2 and get eliminated from the Playoffs so we won?t have to listen to their sorry asses at the Lake this year.  To bed at 10:30

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Up at 4am to piss and discover that Pole is a bald face liar . . . he still snores like a polar bear in hibernation (no Ed exaggeration).  Get up for good at 6am for some coffee and granola and wake the roomies up as they were apparently planning on sleeping all day.  Around 8:30 we head to Farmington.  We make our annual stop at Buck?s Pancake Alley where, once again, we are the only Gringos in the joint for eggs and grease.  Deadeye orders a . . . are you ready for this . . . a Fruit Cup.  I?m surprised the waitress doesn?t make him show his ?I voted for Obama? card but apparently she remembers him from last year.  We venture on to Sam?s Club to support all the manufacturing in China and Honduras and head back to Deadeye?s to watch the Wings game and the Talladega race.  Deadeye pedals his stationary bike for several hours and never moves an inch.  He does, however, manage to sweat on everything in the room and thoroughly wear my ass out!!  It is also observed that the earlier breakfast has managed to produce large quantities of gaseous explosions.  In fact, WayneO states that, after 34 years, Buck?s asshole still has lips.  Around mid afternoon a major catastrophe occurs as the Pole farts, on or near, Sunni Jane.  This will undoubtedly be his last trip, or at least his last stay at the Morehart Casa.  The Wings lost 5-1 and it?s all the Poles fault!!!  We dine on a scrumptious dinner of steak, salad, and polenta which, Banjo says, is a Spanish word for ?makes me fart?.  At least he has the decency to move away from Sunni.  Watched the Apprentice (for no apparent reason) and to bed at 10pm.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Up at 5am to make the coffee, and SSandS.  Wake the boys up at 5:35.  Pole?s beauty sleep strategy is failing miserably.  At 7 bells we head to town.  We drop Wayne off at the Hospital off for Physical Therapy ? thank God his ticker is working pretty good now.  The 3 Amigos head to the Dealership to check the inventory.  We discover a partial bottle of Bailey?s and, mercifully, put it out of it?s misery.  We head to Wal-Mart to send some additional support to Taiwan and El Salvador, then pick up Deadeye at 9:15 and head back to the Dealership.  We have to turn around and go back to Wally World to get the grocery list that Pole left in the shopping cart . . .first he farts on Sunni and then he loses the grocery list . . . where, o where, is this boy?s cabeza (don?t answer that).  Deadeye showers and we head to the Bakery and the Ohio St Liquor Store.  Great to see Jeffi and to see how well this enterprise is doing.  Thank God I don?t have one of these near me or I?d weigh as much as Luther!!  On the way back we take a side trip for a view of Lake Nighthorse (and recall the time the Doo saw the U. S. Senator from Ignacio and asked if he?d ever heard of Fred ?Long Dick? Shuart).  Back to the Dealership about the time Luther, Ponch, and Knocker arrive from Denver and Wallstreet and this year?s Rookie, Ray ?Reggae? Gates, arrive from Farmington.  We head for the annual treat of Gaspacho?s and Jake and Pat Murphy join us there.  It is MUCHO Bueno as always!!  Back to the Dealership to kill some time.  Goddard delivers his boat to save us a trip to his house.  What a guy!!  Reggae discovers some kind of trouble with his boat and commences to get all ?assholes and elbows? working on it.  It is a fine looking vessel and I?m lovin the Baby Moon hubcaps on the trailer.   We head to the grocery store at 3pm.  Always good to see Mr. Whipple and even though he is retired he still gets us boxes for our stuff.  Back to the Dealership where Stink and Jake meet us with their boats and we proceed to load all kinds of shit into them.  Freeb finally shows up and it is blatantly obvious he was not at the barber shop.  Apparently Ms Kathryn must have a thing for mullets.  Can?t say it does anything for the rest of us but, hey, whatever floats his boat.  As we dive head first into the community beer, Wallstreet decides to drive Reggae?s boat around to the back door and crashes the trailer into the corner of the dealership building. The boat is reasonably OK despite a few new character marks but we decide not to tell MoreForeHead or Paddy Wagon Murphy as they?d probably want to sue. Reggae is, shall we say, miffed (no Ed exaggeration).   We manage to stay sober enough to head home for dinner and an early bed time for the final ?sleep? of 2010. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The big day has finally arrived and we?re all up at 4am.  Get all of our shit packed, even all the stuff out of the fridge and freezer, and depart for the dealership at 5:14 and 34 degrees.  We arrive at 5:34 and find Jake waiting for us.  At 5:46 Wallstreet and Reggae arrive and we all observe that Reggae is doing wonders with Wallstreet, all except for his driving ability.  Remarkably even Freeb, Luther and Ponch are on time.  Apparently the mullet is working.  At 5:58, Mr. Whipple finally delivers Knocker.  At 6:01 we are rollin!!  Another time honored tradition is renewed as Buck has a powerful thirst attack right before the Lewis turnoff so we are obliged to quench it with a cerveza.  All is right with the world!!  At 7:35, we arrive at the Blue Mountain Caf?and Stink presents Deadeye with a Flair Hair Cap (makes him look like Ian Poulter for God?s sake).  We make a serious tactical error in having the Pole order last.  In fact, when he finally finishes the Rook observes, ?God Dam but you?re slow?.  Think I?m gonna like this guy!!  We go to the Shell Station to gas up and Wallstreet damn near wipes out Deadeye?s truck ? the boy?s on a roll.  Leave Dove Creek at 9am.  There is a bad accident south of Monticello as a car has hit a deer on the passenger side and an Ambulance and Sheriff are on site.  We stop at the Blanding Tin Bldg Piss Stop and start the Electric Horseman . . . all is right with the world.  Around Comb?s Wash I decide that I?m having the best beer of my life (miss ya Jasper).  At Cedar Mesa its 58 degrees and blue skies.  At 10:50 we stop for our annual ?piss and picture? at the 46 mile turn off . . . God but I love traditions.  Banjo is drinking Virginia Slims beers and we all are wondering if we?re gonna have to pull the string (Does ?Raking Popeye over the GasPipe? make any sense to anyone?).  We have some kind of goofy ass bet on the temp at the Lake and none of us actually gives a rat?s ass.  We arrive at 11:49am and it?s 70 degrees, blue skies, and breezy.  We have to do something legal like with something about Zebra Mussels.  After launching the boats, Stink, Knocker, and Wayne depart to get the Houseboat and the rest of us do less than nothing.  By 2:30 we?re all loaded up, small boats tied on, and all ahead full down the lake.  Along the way Buckwheat?s flow liberally (thanks again DC boys for your unending generosity) and Bruschetta gets made.  At 5pm we send Banjo, Jake, and Stink off on a scouting mission for a campsite.  The wind is picking up which is testing Capt Knocker?s phenomenal boat driving skills.  We wind up parking at the end of Cave Canyon with at least a couple feet of room on both sides of the boat and we all enjoy some Bruschetta while we unpack.  Unfortunately Buck and Banjo discover that they must have left the party favors at the Dealership.  Drat it all!!  That pain is greatly diminished by some exquisite 18 year old Famous Grouse, courtesy of our pal, Luther.  Thank you Luther!!  We dine on a scrumptious menu of Green Chili Cheeseburgers (Ponch you don?t know what your missin), Beans, and Salad.  XM is working great, thank you Jake and the installation team.  Wind continues to pick up.  Luther and Stink are the first to bed at 8:15 . . . that?s right 8:15MDT.  Wings and Rockies win and Tigers lose.  At 9pm it?s lights out for the rest and the Pole decides to play Willie but uses the wrong CD . . .guess he really is a Pole!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Buckwheat!!  Luther up at 5:54 and fires up generator and coffee pot.  We dine on wonderful Crumb Cake, thanks again, Jeffi.  The boys present Buck with a birthday card and a very thoughtful gift, for which they have spared virtually all expense.  It seems that since such attention was heaped upon the world?s ugliest footwear last year, namely Stink?s butt ugly purple crocks, the boys thought Ole Buckeroo would like some also and gift him a pair of baby blue Crocks (someone snuck in a note in Buck?s book that they match his eyes and they really like em.  Whoever wrote that must be either shit faced or color blind as Buck?s eyes are hazel in color).  Buck graciously accepts the wonderful and thoughtful birthday gift and wishes.  At 8am Stink?s boat departs with Deadeye and Knick.  Banjo decides to stay in camp and Buck and Pole decide to try their hand at Goddard?s boat . . . how hard can it be??  Well the answer is . . . it?s a total Cluster F#*K and they are back in camp by 9:15 to make Bloody Mary?s.  Pole catches a Crappie off the back of the houseboat and then loses his bait on the next cast on a limb.  It?s blue skies overhead and breezy but, so far, nowhere near the predicted wind speed of 60mph.  By 11:30 all back in and Stink says the fishing is the best he?s ever seen.  Says he and Knock caught several 3-4 lb largemouth.  For some unexplained reason Deadeye was shutout . . . shame on those boys for not sharing.  All other boats report they caught fish.  Deadeye whips up a delicious chorizo omelet (who cares that he can?t fish) and by 1:15 it?s naps all around except for the Pole who has Goddard?s trolling motor torn apart.  With him at warp speed we reckon it?s no more than a 3, 4 day job.  By 2:30 the wind has done picked way the hell up and is now very near the prediction.  At 3pm one of the shore anchors is blown off . . . . did you catch that???  He said ?one of the shore anchors is blown off?.  Say what?????  We retie on what is now a wet, but solid, anchor with Freeb demonstrating the bowline knot . . . thank you Boy Scouts.  Luther and Deadeye launch into the Cribbage board . . . 15-2, 15-4, and a knock is 42, and kiss my ass and a run is 97.  At 4:30 Freeb, Stink, and Knick brave the wind to fish but are back by 5:40 with a report of one smallie only.  Thus, the only thing to do is jump into the booze and I have a question . . . where the hell did all the scotch drinkers come from??  We may need to send Stink to town for more Scotch.   We dine on Chicken Orehouse (Ponch passes on both green and red chili ? pussy) and listen to some Roy D ?By God? Mercer.  Since it?s still his birthday Buck dons the blue crocks for one picture then shitcans em.  All to bed by 9pm and by 10:30 the wind is, shall we say, in full force.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Generator on at 5:43.  Turns out that not only did the wind blow but it rained some last night, causing many of the upstairs boys to head for cover.  However, Banjo, being the enterprising young bon vivant that he is, looked around, saw the large storage box that the lounge cushions are normally stored in, and made a coffin/bed and got downright cozy for the night.  Wonderful snack of Blueberry muffins, thanks again, Jeffi, and what the hell were we thinking all those years of eating canned cinnamon rolls?  It is very cold and breezy.  Too cold to fish and Banjo is so bored he takes a picture of . . . himself . . . damn shame we didn?t get one of him laid out in the coffin.  At 8:56 Banjo and Stink head for Bullfrog to get ice since our fearless CEO WayneO forgot to get enough of on Tuesday.  They do manage to spot Ponch?s red jacket in the lake that had departed him during the evening breeze.  Had to retie the Houseboat as it had moved about 5 feet sideways during the breeze.  By 9:02 suns out but still cold.  At 9:49 boys are back with the ice and Stink takes Buck and Banjo out fishing.  Will miracles ever cease ? Buck catches a smallie.  Max catches a couple and Banjo catches himself.  We actually have both hail and sleet while fishing.  Kinda pretty but mostly F*#ked up!!  Back in by Noon for Grace?s (God but we do love her) Breakfast Burritos and Green Chili.  By 1:10 pm it?s naps.  Still cold and breezy but Pole is still fishing off the back of the Houseboat and attaching lots of plastic to the weeds (Editors note ? Did I tell you that he actually fabricated a plastic piece and fixed Goddard?s trolling motor ? guess the Engineering degree paid off after all ? and, even more unbelievable, did all this in the same day . . . or am I just making that shit up???).  At 3:15 Stink offers to take Pole and Freebie fishing.  By 3:53 the Pole is finally ready and Stink has turned almost the same color as his Crocks.  Buck stays in camp for a shower, makes some fresh salsa, and preps for dinner.  By 5:50 all back in.  Fishing reports are all decent and, reportedly, the Rookie is slaying em with a Rattle Trap, at least that?s what Wallstreet is reporting and we all know he is a man of the truth.  Stink reports he caught a bunch and his partners caught bushes (and rocks).  Pole shrugs that off by stating that he personally saved the lives of hundreds of fish (sure missed that boy last year).  Wonderful dinner of Posole and beans and other tasty morsels and by 8:04 the first bottle of Port(20 Yr old Taylor Fladgate) comes out.  By 8:16 it?s gone and a 20 Yr Sandeman is the next victim.  Reggae proves he cannot only catch fish but swigs the last giant swallow of Port.  His performance leads to a motion, seconded and passed to leave Ponch and Pole still on Rookie Probation . . . just because!!  By 8:42 Jake is speaking in tongues and all is right with the world!!  Wings lose 4-3 and all to bed by 9:30.  Pretty night but still cold.  Pole can?t fix the boom box and Ponch is F*#ked up. 

Friday, April 30, 2010

6am Generator on.  Clear sky this am, and no wind, but still cool.  Everyone up early this am and all out fishing by 7:30.  Banjo and Wayne out with Stink.  Buck and Luther with Knock.  Wallstreet and Pole with Reggae and Freeb and Ponch with Jake.  All in by Noon and all report catching fish.  Stink says both he and Deadeye caught Hog Largemouth.  There were also reports that our boy WayneO spilled a beer in Stinks boat then broke his windshield and then Stink, apparently trying too hard to set the hook, knocked one of his rod and reels in the lake.  However, we all agreed that it had to have been Moreharts fault as well.  Another great tradition of biscuits and gravy, hash browns, over easy huevos, and both chili verde and red chili for breakfast . . . don?t get no better than that!!  Freeb and Stink clean fish after breakfast and naps begin at 1:15.  At 3:11 we are treated to the annual fighter jet flyover but, as usual, we only hear em and not see em.  By 4:30, all out fishing and it?s pretty nice . . . must be about time to go home.  All in by 6:30 and Stink landed another hog, a 4-5 lb largemouth.  Buckloins and left overs for dinner.  Listened to Rockies and Tigers after dinner and killed two more bottles of Port.  To bed at 9:30.  Pretty night but cool.  Willie on the Houseboat sound system.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Generator on at 5:40 for our least favorite day of the year.  In breaking camp Buck has to go deep to retrieve the sunken shore anchor.  Back is definitely barking now!!  Banjo gets up at 7:15 and says he feels like shit.  One look at him and we all agree he looks like it also.  At 7:40 we begin backing HB out . . . there simply is not a better Houseboat Captain on the lake than Knocker and if he can?t do it, Jake can!!  By 7:54 we?re in the main channel, all 4 boats tied up and burnin gas up the lake.  Jake warms up the remaining Breakfast Burritos and Green Chili while Buck tries his best no to cut himself in making Picnic sandwiches and other treats for the ride home.  This group, once again, is like a well oiled machine as everyone just goes about getting whatever needs to be done, done.  We constantly marvel about how efficiently this group functions and with never so much as a cross word or even a raised eyebrow.  We also laugh at how a similar trip with a group of women would be . . . . well, let?s just say, it would be some different.  By 9:54 we are back at the Hall?s Dock and the weather is beautiful, nicest day of the week . . .wouldn?t ya know.  By 10:20 the HB departs for Bullfrog.  Called home and all is well.  Also listened to a few Happy B Day voice mails.  Couple of vehicles have a warning ticket on the windshield for having the wrong Zebra Mussel certificates.  Boys back by Noon and by 12:15 we?re headed for home.  No problems with HB check-in.  Weather is turning ugly quickly and at Cedar Mesa it?s 44 degrees and snowing.  Also, Pole has gas something awful.  If GM wasn?t so dependent on him we?d leave his ass by a pinion tree.  Stop in Dove Creek at 3pm for gas and back to Durango at 4:30 where it?s 49 degrees.  Fortunately we finally find the Party Favors we forgot at the dealership and pass around a way cool LPLT travel coffee mug to everyone.  All inventory restored and all UPS stuff packed up.  Pole and Banjo decide to leave a bunch of shit at the dealership but we have no idea what.  Head home to Sunni Jane at 5:04 and stop by Catholic Church for carryout Spaghetti.  Home at 6 pm, dinner, showers and shave.  Banjo working on Sunni?s electronics and Pole on the boom box.  By 9pm it?s lights out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Alarm goes off at 4am . . . ouch!  Couple inches of new snow.  Banjo says he still hasn?t been to sleep . . . uh oh.  Leave for airport at 4:40 and it?s 22 degrees.  At airport by 5:30 check in and get wait listed for early flight.  We make the early flight, de-ice and take off at 6:25.  Arrive Denver at 7:10.  Hang around at Caribou Coffee for awhile.  Go to gate and on time departure at 10:20.  Naps for Buck and Banjo and Pole never stopped talking to a midget, Hippie, Army girl.  Arrive in Detroit at 3pm.  Ginners is picking us up but is delayed slightly in traffic.  Home by 5pm and lights out at 7:30.  Another wonderful year despite less than perfect weather.  All is RIGHT with the World!!!

2010 LPLT Epilogue Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned

In 2011 make sure we get the correct Glen Canyon Zebra Mussel Certificates and not the State of Utah ones as we could get fined next year.

Always good to have a Rook along and Reggae was a great addition - could be Wallstreet?s best contribution to the group since Bogey!! (but we do hope the Doo and even Deuce can join us again sometime).

Many, many thanks to Knocker for help in getting the 45th Parallel Vodka (especially the Horseradish stuff) and to the always-generous DC for buying.  And, a huge thanks to Luther for the Famous Grouse, Bailey?s and all the countless other extra stuff he always brings!!. 

4 bottles of port just right and Sandeman 20 year old is best, but don't never forget the chocolates!!! 

Cookies, crumb cake, Muffins, and all Jeffi's bread, especially the Olive loaf, is outstanding.  Just need to try and keep bread fresh as possible (works best to put extra stuff in front freezer and just get out as it's needed)

Add foil pans, mushrooms, balsamic vinegar, and hand lotion to the grocery list. Don't need salad dressing as Deadeye can make it

When we are about 10 minutes from Dove Creek, we need to call the Blue Mtn Caf? and order Pole?s breakfast so he can start as soon as we get there and we?ll only have to wait about 15 minutes after everyone else has finished

3 OJ's are enough - consumption down in 2009 and 2010

6 lg cans tomato juice and 6 sm beef broth just about right, make sure to get horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, and Hot sauce

Don't need mayo but get 2 bottles of good, spicy brown mustard, cut back to 3 lbs turkey for sandwiches

The 59' houseboat was perfect and the generator noise was not an issue (at least for most of us)

The front ice chest on the houseboat is the smartest thing they've ever done (well, except for 2 shitters). 

Don't forget to get the pillows, linens, towels, extra coffee pot, folding table, etc from Bullfrog and remind Deadeye to get sufficient quantities of Ice, especially cubed cocktail ice

Don't need jelly as long as we have honey

Wayne wants to make marinade for the chicken, but still need 1 bottle of Allegro for Buckloins

Don't need to bring sugar or sweetener, or essence, we have plenty

Always bring massive amounts of anything Grace cooks!!

2 lg bags of chips enough and don't even consider buying salt free peanuts - even Wayne won't eat em

Tonic water doesn't keep from one year to next

Don't F#*K with the menu!!!!!!!  but buy Sodium free salt to cook with out of concern for Wayne's ticker

2 Red Onions and 2 large garlic bulbs enough

Need 4 Large rolls of paper towels

2 lbs of coffee enough

Need 60 paper plates.  Makes dish washing much easier

1 lg jar olives enough.  Get thing of blue cheese from City Market rather than huge one at Sam's

Get Large Olive Oil at Sam's (look for balsamic there also)

1 Gal of Milk enough

Roy D and Ron White were, once again, a big hit

Check out all spare tires, boat trailer spares, wheel bearing grease, Boom Box/CD players, etc PRIOR to the trip!!!  Make sure we get Jake's XM player and Buck's antenna

Get more fresh lemons for tartar sauce and fish fry but make sure Jake and Pole make their special tartar sauce and that Pole brings the recipe

So, boys, there you have it.  Now, wasn't it worth waiting for?  And, despite the less than ideal weather conditions, the fishing was GREAT (for some) and a wonderful trip was had by all.  Bottom line, we are all truly blessed to have reasonably good health, wonderful families, and despite our advancing age, be at a place in our lives where we can truly enjoy each other's company.  It is almost beyond comprehension that a group of guys can continue doing something we love so much for so long, do it so well, without major problems (other than questionable footwear and endless flatulence), and still want to come back for more year after year.  The almost spiritual beauty of Lake Powell is exceeded only by the boundless joy of good friends!!! 

See you in 2011, God willing!!!!!!  ALL IS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Buck

horizontal rule



Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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