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LPLT 2015
"Rekon What They Say??? or
"I Dunno"

by Buck Ames


We’ve always been told that anything worth doing is worth waiting for . . . or something like that.  Well, that certainly applies to the annual LPLT Epilogue, this year featuring highlights of the 39th annual excursion to one of the most sacred places on the planet.  I’m often asked why I wait so long to do it.  And, my answer is . . . anybody could do it while it’s fresh in their mind, but it takes a true professional to do it almost a year later.  Actually the truth is it really get’s me in the mood to go and I don’t dare start too early.  Well, it’s either that or I just realize none of you old farts can remember whether I’m makin anything up or not, but, either way, it is a profound privilege to use the meager talents that God has given me, to try and capture priceless and precious memories of a group that have become so much more than friends and are eloquent testimony to the long held adage that, “We have to grow old but we NEVER have to grow up”!!!! 

Here goes, Bassholes . . .


Saturday, April 18, 2015

I awake feeling remarkably refreshed from a good night’s sleep, only to gaze over at the clock and discover, with much consternation, shit, it’s only 1:45am.  I toss and turn but, at the same time, smile and think to myself, “I’m goin fishin”, and realize what a truly lucky old fart I am . . . and what an equally lucky bunch of old farts I’m gonna hook up with in the next few days to celebrate the 39th edition of LPLT.  At 4:27am, I leap from bed to shower, s#*t, shave and finish packing.  I also manage to get Ginners up for the drive to the airport and text Pole and Banjo to see if they’re up.  I get an almost immediate reply from Pole, saying, “Late again, numb nuts”.  At 4:57 Banjo texts, “What’s the holdup”?  As I put the last bit of stuff in the suitcase I realize that, despite my commitment to cut back this year, I am probably over the 50 lb weight.  Oh well, f#*k em if they can’t take a joke.  By 5:20 we are rollin to Banjo’s house. There is a beautiful moon and it’s already 50 degrees, probably the nicest day we’ve had in 6 months, as it’s been a bitch of a winter in the Great Lakes.  We pick up Banjo uneventfully and arrive at Pole’s casa at 5:40.  Remarkably, he is sitting on the porch, claiming he’s ready to go (which, in Pole terms means, he’ll only fiddle fart around for about 10 minutes before he’s in the vehicle and the door closed).  True to form at 5:50, we finally shove off and enjoy the coffee and a few of the cookies Ginners brought along for us.  Part of the price we pay for Ginners’ goodies and chauffeuring is plenty of back seat driving advice.  The boys all manage to pretty well ignore all of that and we arrive at the airport at 6:45.  As I suspected I am 3 lbs overweight on my bag.  I take my shaving kit out and put it in Banjo’s bag.  That makes mine weigh in at 49.5 and Banjo’s at 49.3.  Pole’s bag registers at 40.0 which marks the first time since puberty that Pole has been the lightest at anything!!!!  By some miracle we all have TSA Pre-Select and we breeze through security by 7:10am.  By another miracle, Pole has made it all the way through security without A) losing anything, or B) having to take a dump.  We make our way to Gate D1, and find we actually do have Pole Nuts this year.  However, he says they’re not very good.  Before we can actually try them both Banjo and Flagman run to the shi#*er and I get some more coffee.  I also send a text to Wayne, saying Pole wants to know if the beer is iced for the ride from the airport to town.  Quickly I get a reply from Wayne saying he just took his early am constitutional and, NO Pole, he has not yet put either ice cube on the beer.  I also leave a voice mail for Doo, wondering if he is going to meet us at the airport.  We board the plane on time at 8:40 and finally sample the Pole Nuts.  He was right about one thing, they are not worth a drizzling s@*t as they are burned.  Pole says he was afraid of that as he was multi-tasking and the smoke alarm went off as they were cooking.  I tell Banjo, “Pole’s definition of multi-tasking is:  I forgot what I was supposed to do next”.  However, the good news is that Megan, the Flight Nurse, claims they have “plenty” of vodka.  We’ll see about that.  At 9:24 we are wheels up.  By 10:05 Megan finally quits fiddle farting around and delivers our first 6 Bloody Mary’s . . . all is right with the world – especially since Pole actually buys.  For the record, Banjo is drunk.  Pole is sitting behind us and he is boring his old lady seat mate to tears with some kind of meaningless drivel.  Banjo is reading a book, on his iPad . . .  about the guy who invented the iPad.  Which is rather ironic as I’m about to cut a giant fart . . .  by the guy who pretty much invented the fart.  At 11:07 we order 6 more BM’s.  By now we’re all borracho and the rest of the flight is uneventful, either that or I passed out.  At 10:15 MDT we land in Denver.  We text Wayne to let him know it’s time to think about icing the beer.  At 11am we board the flight for Durango.  At 11:30 we’re wheel’s up and it is far too rough to serve drinks.  Thank God as we don’t need anymore right now and we all nap for rest of the flight.  We touch down in God’s Country at 12:50.  Good Ole Wayneo is there to meet us.  It is 39 degrees and cloudy as we leave the airport and head to Goddard’s kids place south of town to pick up the boat.  It is obvious the boat has not been used since we had it last year.  We notice that the trailer tires are bald and decide what we can get Lee as a thank you gift this year.  We hook it up and head for the dealership.  When we get there we say “Howdy” to Life Partner “4 Leaf Clover” Murphy.  We start cleaning up the boat and getting stuff out of inventory.  Me and Banjo and Pole decide we’d better be nice to “4 Leaf” and start calling him “Shamrock” instead, in case Wayne retires one of these days as we’ll still need to leave all our shit in the Parts Dep’t at Murpharts Car Lot.  We then kill some time in Wayne’s office and he gives us an FLC Skyhawks cap courtesy of “Bear” Hunter.  Thanks mucho Bear!!!!  At 3:15 we head over to Ska for a beer and some wings, dip and chips.  Kinda helps to put some protein on top of the Bloody’s.  At 4pm we head to town and pick up our take out order at the Tai Food Place.  We also stop at Albertson’s to pick up some Tonic and Cranberry Juice.  Banjo also runs over to the Liquor Store to get some Glenlivet.  At 4:45 we arrive at Mudhouse Ruins.  Sunni is, as always, thrilled to see us.  She looks great and we love her short hair.  We enjoy some cocktails and vino and at 6pm we dine on the Tai food which is quite good, despite the fact that they screwed up our order.  After dinner we all sit in the Living Room and solve most of the world’s problems.  Banjo let’s us know Jake has sent an email wondering why it is so quiet today.  Hmmm, I wonder????  Pretty quickly I excuse myself and, Nite nite bassholes at 9pm.  Think I may have been asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Up at 5:22 and must have overslept as Wayne has already started the coffee.  Then I see that Banjo is also already up and realize I have definitely overslept.  You don’t have to go on nearly 39 or so of these trips to realize that there is ONE distinct advantage to being up early . . . let’s just say it has a lot to do with the freshness of the Democrat Birthing Station.  Pole finally staggers up at 7:00.  By 7:15 Sunni and Wayne are out for a walk.  It is nice outside but pretty chilly.  At 8:30 we depart to Farmington.  After Wayne takes us on a new route we ultimately find Buck’s Pancake House.  It is a step back in time that never seems to change one iota.  But, the grease is as good as ever.  We depart to Safeway and get some water for the house and then on to Sam’s for bulk groceries.  We are in and out of Sam’s in record time due Buck’s outstanding List organization.  When we get to the register, Wayne pulls the “Oh I forgot the Trip Cash” trick.  We all tell him, tuff stuff, you’d better start digging.  He crawls into a place in his wallet seldom visited and pulls out a stash of $50 bills.  I’m pretty sure this tight ass has been hiding these bills since Big Ed gave them to him for graduating from Ft Lewis.  We also stop by Best Buy so Banjo can buy some technology he doesn’t need.  Why would he do this, you ask.  The only possible answer is, “I dunno”.  We are back at Mudhouse by 12:45.  Pole and I work on the Biscuits to individual bags, which is one of the better tricks we have learned over the years, so on B & Gravy day we have a couple dozen individual biscuits rather than one giant one.  Banjo is working on a new tackle box.  Try to watch the Bristol race, which is in a rain delay, while Wayne and Pole work on supper.  Tigers win, Rockies get trounced (Wayne has a very bad attitude about his team), and race rained out.  At 4:30 cocktail hour starts.  At 5 the Wienks, Jeffi, Jen, and Sancho arrive.  Samina is definitely the queen of the ball!!!!!  We have dinner 6ish with tons of laughs.  All the kids have to depart and the boys enjoy some Port and chocolate after dinner and begin anew on more of world’s problems.  At 9:20 I say nite nite.  The other 3 stay up and rumor has it Wayne and Banjo peter themselves. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

It’s 4-20 Day in Colorado.  Rumor has it that 420 was originally the penal code section number for Marijuana use in California, but the term has taken on a new life of it’s own in Colorado with the state law changes.  I’m confident there will be massive celebrations state wide.  Up at 5:30 and start the coffee.  By 6 everyone is up.  It’s a little cloudy and 37 degrees.  We head to town and arrive at Bread at 7:40 as Wayne has an accident in his britches.  Run into Rob and bust his Pelotas about the downtown location.  The boy does an impressive Claude Lemieux Turtle impression.  To the dealership at 8:10, check inventory (not sure for what) and head to Wally World for . . . I Dunno!!!!  We do buy a new fish basket and some Dish Towels to replace the ones that Wayne took home to launder a year ago and  . . . poof!!  Back to dealership, vacuum the boat, and charge the batteries.  Off to the Woody Hayes Liquor Store and meet the Ohio Hate guy for community booze.  He’s still a little red assed that Sparty whipped his Bucknut ass last year by 10.  Back to the dealership at 11.  At 11:20 Luther and Ponch arrive, missing Knock who has flown to Durango this year and is staying with Whipple.  Luther and Wayne go do paperwork for the new truck Luther is buying.  Apparently Wayne is paying for his trip thru Dependable Drywall this year.  Ponch sporting some new whiskers look this year but guessing he still hasn’t acquired a taste for the finer things such as mustard and green chile.  Off to Gaspachos at 12:30 where Freeb, Knock, Whipple, Jake, and Shamrock join us.  Good to see Jake, know we’re gonna miss him this year but apparently Grace has said he can’t come out and play.  Gaspachos does not disappoint.  My God this is outstanding Northern New Mexican food . . . which is the way God meant for Mexican food to taste!!!  Head to dealership but take Banjo to meet Stink to determine the future of Apple stock for decades to come.  It’s gotten windy and cold, hope it isn’t like this, Or Dare!!!!  At 3pm off to City Market.  Thanks to Whipple’s magic with aisle numbers on each item of the grocery list(sure wish Banjo could have come up with an idea like this) we are in and out in 35 minutes.  The task of grocery shopping for 10 men for 5 days proves far easier than keeping track of Freebie hitting on little old ladies in every aisle.  Back to dealership at 3:45, get all the stuff out of inventory, everything loaded in coolers and boxes and loaded into boats.  We all enjoy a community beer or two and at 4:45 Wally rolls in, saying something about WiFi and needing to call Cindy . . . Banjo you’re up.  At 6 we head for home.  On Wildcat Canyon some asshole in a White Ford Truck comes across the center line right at us.  Wayne does a spectacular job of defensive driving and saving our lives.  Pole shits his pants.  Cocktails taste particularly good after just cheating death.  Tigers win, Rockies get pounded (Wayne’s attitude continues downward spiral), and to bed at 9:20

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Well, miracle of miracles, the Sleep Meter has finally reached ZERO!!!!  I toss and turn till 4am, when I get up and find that Weeuh has already started the coffee.  We pack all the food and trip beer in coolers and head for town at 5:06 and 38 degrees.  We get to dealership at 5:30 and start hooking up the fishing boats.  Don is already here, a new record in the recorded history of the annals of humanity.  At 5:40 Stink arrives and Jon Boy and Ponch at 5:42.  At 5:45 I send a text to Wally saying, “TODAY”.  By 5:59 Wally and Whipple, bringing Knock, finally pull in.  We load up and go wheel’s up at 6:02  Hard to believe this is the 39th trip for Wayne and Buck(although Buck did miss in 83 and 88).  We also laugh about how funny it used to be to joke about making this trip with the boys in wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen bottles, etc, etc.  Too bad that s*$t ain’t near as funny as it used to be!!!  At 7:06 we renew the tradition of first beer to quench the parch at the Lewis turnoff.  We’re also reminded of our old Pal Jasper who would say at this time, “This beer, right here, is the best beer I’ve ever had in my whole life”.  Rest in Peace Amigo – we miss you!!!!  We roll into Dove Creek at 7:30 for breakfast at what is now called Deb’s Diner, although it is identical to the former Blue Mountain Café.  In fact, we think the same old blisters are still working there as 38 years ago.  We make our nurse take Pole’s order first and turn it in before even getting anyone coffee.  She replies, “I think I remember this from last year”.  She is a smart young lady and the strategy works again as Pole is just finishing up when the rest of us were walking out.  Some times we actually have to drive a stake in the ground next to him to measure whether he’s moving or not.  We’re off and “Welcome to Utah – Life Elevated” at 8:40.  Roll into Maverick station at 9:00 for fuel and some ice for beer for the boys who weren’t organized earlier.  Benefit of lower gas prices is obvious as we get out of there for only $120 for 3 vehicles and 2 Boats.  Oh, did I mention that we only have 2 fishing boats for 10 guys this year??  I claim to be very happy about this as it gives many of us a good excuse to not have to fish so much, but the truth is I’m just trying to take the heat off “Short Arms/Deep Pockets” Jimmy Wayne, who is too cheap to pay Jake’s buddy to use his boat again this year.  As we start to leave the gas station Luther rubs some paint off one of the barriers onto Stink’s boat.  He tries to lay it off that “it’s not as bad as Wallstreet did to Reggae’s boat”.  By 9:15 we’re rollin again and stop at the big Tin Building south of Blanding.  We sure do appreciate whoever is paying the property taxes on this dump to provide a great piss stop.  At 9:45 we leave civilization and pass the 74 mile sign, where we celebrate another awesome tradition with playing of “The Electric Horseman”.  It never ceases to amaze me how good that beer tastes and how overwhelmed I am, year after year, at the spectacular beauty of this stretch of road.  We make the obligatory piss stop at the 46 mile turnoff and water the cedar and pinion trees.  We do the annual “Bassholes” picture and hate that it’s too hazy to see Monument Valley.  At 11:40 and 68 degrees we arrive at the Hall’s Dock to start unloading stuff and launch the fishing boats.  Stink, Knock and Wayne take off at Noon to go to Bullfrog and get the Houseboat.  Rest of us tell some lies, drink some beer and bask in the glory of being back.  Banjo fishes off the end of the dock and catches a 6” Smallie . . . he is already one fish ahead of last year’s trip . . . but who’s counting??  At 2pm Captain Knock returns with HB and we load up stuff and head north.  Buckwheat’s all around as Stink and Banjo take off on their scouting trip.  At 3pm we enter Moki Canyon and at 3:45 start tying up at a spot that looks very familiar except that it has more firewood than any spot we’ve ever seen.  By 4:45 we are all tied down, cocktail hour and dinner prep has begun and it is absolutely beautiful out.  At 6:30 we dine on Night 1 tradition Green Chile Cheeseburgers, Freeb beans, and salad.  It is all mucho bueno despite Luther bitching about his burger being undercooked . . . hey, asswipe, a little cow blood never hurt anybody!!!!  Freeb and Luther tackle the dishes and Banjo lights a camp fire, which doesn’t last long as nite nite beats dark by a skosh (which I realize is not really a word but, back in Kansas, it means “just a little”) at 8:30pm.  I have no idea if Willie and Ole Trigger played Stardust or not!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Luther is up at 5:56 am to start the generator and coffee pot.  Apparently it rained last night but it sure didn’t bother me.  At 7pm Stink’s boat takes off with Buck and Luther along to give him a lesson.  We start out across the main channel in the flats and then head up river to Hanson’s Creek.  Buck catches several with 2 really nice Smallies (gonna be a photo op for sure this year).  Stink says one weighs 4.2 and the other 6.7.  I have no idea if that’s grams, pounds, ounces or WTF and guess it doesn’t matter as he is making it up anyway.  We’re in at 11.  Reportedly Knock, Pole, and Wallstreet went out for a bit but caught nothing.  Wayne is working on the Omelet and I do some biscuits while Luther does the Hash browns.  This takes most of the day as Gator Arms Wayne made Luther take his gas grille back home and get it out of the Parts Dept storage.  We have no idea why but apparently it has something to do with the Minimalist Vow Wayne has made since his boy Odumbo got elected POTUS.  As for why he has done this . . . “I Dunno”.  Personally I would vote to bring back the gas grille but since I long ago took my own vow to NEVER criticize anything Wayne does I just decide to keep that to myself.  Actually the food is, as always, exceptional.  Naps around at 11:55.  Up from nap at 2pm and work on cleaning chicken breasts and start Bruschetta.  All fishermen back in by 3:15.  Apparently the fishing sucks.  I discover that Pole has used cocktail ice cubes for beer cooler ice and thrash him thoroughly.  I try to explain why and Wayne, in his best Johnny Cochran “if it doesn’t fit you must acquit” impression, represents Pole and demands that the HB Rules be published in the Official Recap.  SEE THE EPILOUGE SUMMARY FOR DETAILS.  Meanwhile, Freeb and Wallstreet work on stuffing the Blue Cheese Olives.  Freeb asks me to observe to make sure they are following the recipe.  It appears they are but then Wallstreet offers up some b/s about using Feta Cheese instead.  Wayne says it’s probably better for you and I state that I’m sure it is since it doesn’t taste nearly as good!!  Knock, Luther, and Wayne play 15-2, 15-4, 15-6 and a Run is 12, and If Your Aunt Had Balls She’d Be Your Uncle.  That may not actually be the official name of the game but it’s good enough for me.  We listen to a little Roy D. “By God” Mercer and someone says his stuff is as memorable as the stink on an outhouse corncob (I really don’t want to know anymore).  For appetizers we have Buck’s Bruschetta on Olive Bread.  Damn, we could make some money selling this stuff!!!  At 7:00 Night 2 Chicken Ore House and Lake Powell Casserole, both with Red Chile (unless you’re named Ponch) and salad are served.  Esta Mucho Bueno again!!!  After dinner Banjo and Pole work on trying to hook up the iPad to play videos on HB TV.  After failing miserably at that, we play 2 rounds of Cards Against Humanity, while Freeb, who has very successfully petered himself, passes out at 8pm.  The final score of CAH is Buck 6, Luther 5, and everyone else 1 or 2 except for Wayne who has 0.  He claims we must have been using the Republican Version.  We drink some Port and enjoy chocolate before Nite, Nite at 9:45.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Generator fires to life at 5:51.  It is a gorgeous day which is kind of unusual since it’s not yet “go home” day.  By the way, have I mentioned that we are actually a week earlier than the week we have historically gone for many years???  Why, you ask . . . I Dunno.  Well, actually it has something to do with Wayne planning a trip to Egypt, or Africa, or Portugal, or some damn place.  All I know is it must be a real bargain spot if he’s going.  At 7:30 Stink takes Denny and Wallstreet . . . oops, I mean “Cleat” out fishing.  Cindy would be very proud of him.  Gradually Wayne, Pole, Banjo and Freeb stagger up.  We have an APB out for the hand lotion.  We think it and the box of Kleenex are probably next to Ponch’s bunk . . .ooohhhh!!!!!!  At 8:45, Banjo, Wayne, and Pole venture out fishing.  Buck and Luther begin prep of the Breakfast Burritos . . . another very unfortunate casualty of Grace not letting Jake come out to play.  Meanwhile, Freeb finally finds the measuring spoons and commences to make his world famous Lake Powell Bloody Mary’s.  Editors Note:  Actually when one adds Beef Broth the concoction becomes a Bloody Bull, but please, don’t anybody tell him or it might send the boy over the edge.  Anyway, they are damned good Freeb, especially with Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives.   At 9:45 Banjo boat back in to tie down stuff on the top of the HB as it’s getting very windy in the back of the Canyon.  While there, Wayne states that yesterday, apparently in an effort to avoid a re-run of the “Fall Up the Stairs Act of 2014”, he had only one beer, one Bloody, and a little Port.  I told him I wouldn’t admit that to anyone but also said that if we added yesterday’s Wayne and Freeb together and divided by 2 we’d still have a border line alcoholic.  Hey, just callin em as I sees em.  We finally get all the Burrito stuff cooked and have managed to get virtually every vessel and utensil in the kitchen dirty.  Undaunted, Freeb dives in to clean up everything.  This is going to be a big job but reckon he’s still shaking enough from last night that drying stuff is going to be a breeze.  At 10:20 Luther and I finally complete assembly of 36 Breakfast Burritos and start warming up Freeb’s Green Chile.  Buck takes a shower and notes this is the best shower and shower pressure we’ve ever had before, a very welcome change!!!!  At 11:05 Banjo Boat back in.  Reportedly he got on a Hillary the C rant and tore up the new fish basket in the prop.  Naturally all the fish in it got loose.  At 11:30 Stink Boat in.  We all begin talking about Jake, starting with how much we miss him and Grace’s Burritos.  However, the conversation quite easily slides right into the invention of Lake Powell Tartar Sauce, Plastic Poisoning, Speaking in Tongues, and other assorted favorite Jake stories.  To which Stink states “I’m NEVER going to miss one of these trips . . . cause if they talk about you like this when you were here . . . Reckon What They Say When You’re Not??”.  We dine on the pretend Bkfst Burritos and Ponch decides he’s going to man up and actually try a little Green Chile on one.  However, he quickly proves he’s just a giant pussy as he claims it tastes like burning flesh.  He has to throw the whole thing away and start over again.  So far, the fishing has been pretty good with mostly Smallies, a few Largemouth, and some really nice Crappies.  Banjo had one very nice Walleye in the basket but the Hillary incident provided the Governor’s midnight pardon to him.  Up after nap at 2:15.  It’s getting cooler and breezy.  We actually have to put another layer of clothes on.  At 3:45 Banjo, Luther, and Ponch out fishing.  By 4:15 Stink is in as Wayne had to give birth to another Democrat.  I begin prep of the Buckloin for tomorrow night and Stink and Pole clean some fish in the kitchen.  By 5:15 Banjo Boat in and he claims to still be a fish catchin m/f.  Cocktail hour commences and Buck peters Pole with a Buckwheat, which he’s chasing with an IPA . . . sounds perfectly dreadful.  Stink prepares his world famous Posole.  At 7 we dine on Night 3 Posole, Frijoles, Green Chile and Tortillas.  I mean, seriously, we could REALLY make some money on these delicacies!!!!  Pole has me make him another Buckwheat, and the petering continues.  And, speaking of petering, for the love of God, where the hell is Raggae???   I mean there is at least a couple swallows of VO left, and Lord knows Wallstreet needs constant supervision.  And apparently the footing on the gang plank is very good this year as there are no chalk lines on the beach.  Seriously, you little Fart, we miss ya!!!!  At 8pm we play a Ron White CD.  It is another beautiful night, except it seems to be getting a little cooler each night.  At 9:30 I go to bed.  Apparently shortly after that the remaining awake juveniles see a mouse in the HB.  Banjo tries going hand to hand with him and gets his ass kicked.  After that the boys set a trap with chocolate and “reportedly” caught him.  Also, reportedly I snored through the whole thing.  Nite Nite Bassholes.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Generator fires to life at 5:54.  At 7:30 Stink needs another fishing lesson and takes me and Freeb out for said tutoring.  We go to Hall’s Creek Bay.  I try my cell phone and get a signal to call Gaga.  All is well at home, which is always a relief to hear.  Shortly Freeb breaks his cherry and catches the dumbest fish in the lake.  Now, everyone on the trip this year has caught at least one.  An unofficial poll seems to indicate that Banjo, after being skunked last year, is this year’s leading angler.  There are also numerous complaints from the clients in his boat that he never lets anyone else catch one.  I reckon the trophy he will get will have about the same numeric value as his first wedding ring currently has.  Shortly Stink catches a giant, very black Crappie.  Editor’s Note:  We debated about nicknaming him “Barrack” but decide against it since he hasn’t bowed to any Muslim Kings, and we might want to actually eat him.  We’re back in by 10:15 as Buck begins prep of Biscuits and Gravy (the individual freezing of Biscuits in sandwich bags worked perfectly as we have 24 of them versus one giant one).  The boys love the annual Biscuits and Gravy breakfast and Luther’s Over Easy Eggs and Chile Verde.  Naps begin at 12:30.  At 2:30 Knock, Wayne, and Ponch take off for HC Bay.  Pole makes Lake Powell Tartar Sauce in Jake’s honor, for tonight’s fish fry.  Takes him about an hour and a half for what is normally a 15 minute recipe.  Stink reports that he’s fished out and cocktails commence at 4:15.  Surprisingly, Pole does not want me to make him another Buckwheat.  At 6:15 we dine on the scrumptious Buckloin appetizer, which is still, near as any of us can remember, a near orgasmic experience.  We decide to do the sacred Sparky/Jasper toast and, honestly, it gets emotionally heavier every year.  Not sure anybody outside our group would actually understand, but we also agree that all of us are younger than anyone else our age.  It must surely have to do with the age defying impact of this sacred place.  At 7:15 Buck makes Chicken Salad for tomorrow, and Knock starts to cook the fish.  He does a fabulous job despite the fact that the HB has listed to one side about 2.5 degrees.  We definitely need to get a level HB next year!!!  The fish is excellent and the LP Tartar Sauce is the best any of us has ever had.  It might have something to do with the libations.  At 8:30 we have a spectacular bonfire before entering into a WAY too political discussion.  We all agree we need to avoid those in the future and stick to fishing, football, dicky dunkin, etc, etc.  After all, we do believe in the 1st Amendment and the fact that everyone is fully entitled to their own opinion, even if Wayne is wrong!!!   Nite Nite boys at 9:45.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

The most dreaded day of the year begins at 5:52 with the generator on.  Naturally it is the best am of the trip and by 6:15 the line to the Shi#*er is 4 deep.  Wallstreet, better go get your stick!!!!  It did rain last night around 3:30 and there was a bunch of scrambling up top.  I begin making 30 sandwiches, 3 sans Mustard for Pussket.  At 7:07 Captain Knock backs the HB out in a decent rain storm.  Banjo and Stink have adorned their rain suits for the drive back to Hall’s Dock.  The rest of us begin the process of packing everything and, as usual, the group functions efficiently and quietly, like a well oiled machine.  When I can get a signal I call home and, again, glad to hear all is well.  We return to Hall’s Dock by 8:10 and unload.  HB heads back to Bullfrog at 8:30.  Getting stuff off the HB did see a casualty as Stink dumped the 30+ year Library off the dock and into the Lake.  Why, you say, would he do that?  Naturally the answer is . . . I Dunno!!!!  We did save the plastic bin but, Oh Well, the fish will enjoy the views and Wayne will be greatly relieved that this spectacular reading material will no longer be in the Part’s Dept inventory.  Thankfully Wallstreet and I get a ride from some Good Samaritan up to the parking lot to fetch the vehicles and boat trailers.  We have no idea what his name was, I just call him “Angel”.  By 10:01 we are wheel’s up back to Durango for the drive that is still scenic but not nearly as majestic as it was 4 short days ago.  It is 46 degrees on Cedar Mesa with still a light rain.  We wonder why, 30 years ago, we used to run out of beer on this trip and now we take home more than we bring.  Guess it’s just a miracle.  Gas stop in Dove Creek and Banjo takes over behind the wheel.  Wayne takes time to check his Smartphone and suddenly announces (he thinks to the World) that Bruce Jenner is now a Woman.  The rest of us just think we have found the last remaining dinosaur on the planet when he then asks, “Who the hell are the Kardashians”???  Hey, you just can’t make up shit like this!!  We arrive back in Durango by 2:15 and its 47 degrees with a light rain.  Hugs and kisses all around and promises of “see ya next year”, which we seriously mean but never take for granted.  However, the food, booze, laughter, frivolity, and camaraderie has been nothing short of spectacular.  We seriously missed Jake, Reggae, Doo, Deuce, et al but, Lake Powell, we love you and we realize just how blessed we have all been to have gotten to know you – and each other – over these last 39 years.  Until we meet again . . . Via Con Dias Mi Amigos!!!!


2015 LPLT Epilogue Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned

OK, first up, here are the Official Lake Powell Luxury Tours Houseboat Rules:

·         Block Ice is strictly for Beer Coolers and Cubed Ice EXCLUSIVELY for Cocktail Ice, NO EXCEPTIONS

·         Never listen to Wallstreet when he claims the Shitter is FULL.  Make him get his autograph model stick and push it down the drain

·         Never, EVER, listen to Wayne when he wants to cut back on ANYTHING, Again NO EXCEPTIONS

·         And finally:  1) never trust a fart, 2) never pass up a chance to pee, and 3) never waste a stiffy

The water was up 16 feet from last year.  The weather may have been the best we’ve ever had as we had no serious wind at all.  We only had a little rain on the last night.  And, the week earlier time frame worked out well also

We seriously need to look into the cost and logistics of a Satellite Phone, for peace of mind and security.  After all, we ain’t getting any younger

The Houseboat also performed virtually flawlessly but they owed us after the POS Party Boat we had last year.  The shower was, by far, the best we’ve ever had

The Fish Fry was a huge success on Friday night and the Lake Powell Tartar Sauce was also the best ever . . . Sorry, Jake, you’re out . . . but we still want you and Grace’s food to come back!!! 

Actually the 2 Fishing Boats worked out very well.  Definitely not worth $500 for another one

Basic menu still works great.  Olive Bread for Brushcetta was a very good solution.  Need to make sure we have everything for Jake’s Tartar Sauce, and, make sure we get DILL relish and not sweet relish.  Do not let Wayne sneak in any Seltzer Water as we never came close to opening that swill.  Also, the boys really liked the Herdes Red Salsa and ate twice as much of it as the green stuff.  And, if Jake brings the Breakfast Burritos, 4 to 5 dozen eggs is enough

Make sure we get our Dish Towels back from Wayne’s house.  And, we’ve also got to again replace the Fish Basket that got mixed up with H the C

Moki continues to be the destination of choice for its beauty and convenience. 

Sending Mr Whipple the grocery list in advance, to have him put aisle numbers on the City Market items works perfectly.   Banjo, don’t know why you didn’t come up with that idea years ago. 

We definitely need 3 Half Gallons of Famous Grouse next year but one LG Cranberry Juice was just about right.  The GLC boys greatly appreciated Wayne providing the Community Booze.  We sure did get lucky on a hockey bet as no mortal hockey team should be able to beat the AvNots coached by Paddy Wah, the Wife Beater.  And, a huge thanks, as always to Luther for the Famous Grouse, Bailey’s, Chocolates, and all the countless other extra stuff he always brings!!.  

The individual sandwich bags for keeping the biscuits from all freezing together is brilliant!!!   

So, boys, there you have it.  Now, wasn't it worth waiting for? We certainly did miss Jake, Reggae, Deuce and Doo this year and do hope they will make their way back to us next year.  This trip is always spectacular but when any of our pals are missing they do leave a hole that’s never adequately filled.  ‘Mon back boys!!!!!   Bottom line, we are all truly blessed to have reasonably good health, wonderful families, and despite our advancing age, be at a place in our lives where we can truly enjoy each other's company.  It is almost beyond comprehension that a group of guys can continue doing something we love so much for so long, do it so well, without major problems (other than questionable footwear, overpriced eyewear, and endless flatulence), and still want to come back for more year after year.  The almost spiritual beauty of Lake Powell is exceeded only by the boundless joy of good friends!!!  Stay Healthy mi Amigos!!!!  See you in 2016 for Number 40, God willing!!!!!!  Thank the good Lord for our manifold blessings and Watch that First Step!!!!!!!

Love, Buck


horizontal rule



Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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