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LPLT 2007
"An Epilogue"

by Buck Ames


There is some old saying about good things being worth waiting for.  I have no idea what that has to do with anything but I have finally gotten around to trying to recap the fun and frolic that was LPLT 2007, our 30th Anniversary.  The cast of characters was a familiar one, from the DC (Durango Contingent): Deadeye, Stink, Freebie, Wallstreet, Jake, and Luther, and from the GLC (Great Lakes Contingent): Buckwheat, Banjo, Flagman, and Knocker (back for a 2nd year in a row).  So without further ado, her 'tis . . . 2007 LPLT - An Epilogue:
Saturday, April 14, 2007
We thought it would never arrive but the day to depart for "or-dare" has finally come . . . and none too soon for Flagman, who decided to grow a boulder in his pee pee canal just a few days ago.  Banjo was up at 4:22am, for a 3pm flight, just so he wouldn't be late (later he admitted that he went to the office because he knew he was going to have withdrawals from missing work the next week).  He picked up the Fagpole who promptly grossed him out thoroughly by showing him the boulder he had pissed out at 12:22am and then popped it in his mouth and ate it (actually it was a raisin he ate) but it did provide some comedy and great relief for the Pole.  The 3 of us then departed for the airport, minus the Doo, who is MIA again but promises that he will make the 2008 trip cause he will either have his business fixed or there will be no business to worry about.  We will see what we shall see.  We arrive at the airport, do the check-in and security b/s and find the nearest watering hole, which happens to be very near a TV featuring the defending American League Champion, Deeeetroit Tigers.  Buckwheat instructs the Bar Wench on the fine art of Buckwheat making and promises her that it will soon be their best selling cocktail (which, for about 3 rounds it indeed was).  It comes time to get on the plane and we had just gotten a new round.  Buck tells the boys to grab their drinks and let's board (Now, this is the part that pissed me off!!!!!)  It seems that only Buckwheat and Banjo are smart enough to discreetly palm their drinks in their free hand, present their boarding passes with the other and proceed down the jetway.  We are about 6 inches from stepping on the plane when we hear a gate agent come running down the jetway yelling, "don't let those guys on, they have alcohol".  It seems our boy, the Pole (who's the Polish person now?) presents his boarding pass with the same hand that's also slurping his 20 oz cerveza.  When advised that he couldn't board the plane with alcohol, he rats out his two buddies by inquiring as to why they had allowed us on.  So, we now have to make the Walk of Shame past all the other jetway passengers who are laughing their asses off and questioning our choice in friends.  We finally take off and make the Rotund one with the sore peepee buy the drinks to get us to Denver.  We manage to find a Cantina and mucho frio cerveza just before passing out from thirst.  We actually make it to Durango 20 minutes early and, (thank you, Jesus), Jimmy "Deadeye, Moreforehead" Morehart, is there to meet us with just enough Buckwheat fixins to get us to es su casa at 8:45pm.  Naturally Sunni, who is recovering from knee surgery, is thrilled to see us and goes directly to bed.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Tax day dawns in Durango but the boys are up at 5am to drink coffee and play with the only females in the house who are actually glad to see us:  Blanca, Greasy, and Grande, the 3 Moreharts kitty cats.  We take off soon after daylight for the bakery to see Jeffi and get some goodies and then on to the campground to see Jamie and Eric.  We stop at the City Market for groceries for the evening and then on to Farmington to buy bulk items at Sam's Club.  We get back to Deadeye's after a perfectly wonderful Green Chili Cheeseburger at Blake's and watch the Wings win 3-1.  Deadeye puts on his pink spandex shorts and goes for a 100 mile bike ride.  Buckwheat is entrusted to begin preparing Morehart's outstanding green chili and beef stew.  Jeffi, Jen, and Jamie come for dinner and Banjo goes into a coma at 8pm.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Still on EDT, the boys are up at 4:45am and, after coffee and breakfast, off to the dealership to check LPLT inventory, then off to the Bakery for more goodies.  We may have to take an extra vehicle just for the stuff that Jeffi has provided.  Next stop is Wal-Mart for various supplies, including a new boom box to replace the one with 50 lbs and 30 years of red dust in it, and a new printer for Sunni.  We drop Banjo off at Max's office so he can give him the rest of his money and Deadeye, Pole, and Buckwheat drive up to Lemon Dam to surely what must be Stinky and Freebie's secret house and pick up Stink's boat.  We all rendezvous at Gaspacho's for lunch and are joined by Luther and Denny, just in from Denver and The Counselor, David Smith.  Following a fabulous lunch, Lee Goddard proves once again to be the most trusting soul on the planet by letting us borrow his bass boat.  Off to the Liquor store for beer, wine for Sunni, and port for the DC, courtesy of the GLC, just to say a special thanks for them once again volunteering to chip in $12 each for the community vodka.  We then head to the grocery store where it seems we get less for more $$$ each year.  Back to the dealership, drink a few beers, load the boats and promise to meet at 6am.  Back to Gaspacho's for carryout (once a day ain't never enough).  Sunni loves the printer but not enough to agree to another fire in the chimenea again this year.  Banjo performs lots of maintenance on her computer and we all hit the rack by 10pm.  Only one more sleep till LPLT 2007!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The day we have waited for is finally here.  Up at 4am and out the door at 5:25.  At the dealership at 5:56 and even Wallstreet shows up on time this year.  Boats hooked up and "wheels up" at 6:10am.  One of the great traditions continues with popping of the first cold one at the Lewis turnoff.  Breakfast once again at the "Lunch Box" in Dove Creek.  Wallstreet is irate that the new menu doesn't include huevos rancheros . . . and even more pissed when we drive by Connie's Blue Mountain Cafe to find it reopened this year.  Called and left a message for the Doo.  He conveniently ducked our call once again.  Flagman actually claimed he could see the horse's head this year.  However, when he mentioned that he thought he counted 8 points we had our doubts.  Gassed up in Blanding at a new place this year.  They didn't think we were any funnier than the old place.  Another great tradition with playing of The Electric Horseman at the 74 mile turnoff.  Another tradition with piss and picture at the 47 mile turnoff.  Big water seen first at straight up Noon.  Took 2 hours to get the houseboat from Bullfrog but OK as a beautiful sunny, warm day.  Stink and Freebie fish all the way down the lake.  Parked in Cave Canyon again but on a long open shore and not in a 35 foot wide canyon with a 30 foot wide boat.  Began to fix dinner and realized a tragedy of monumental proportions had occurred  Jim Morehart had forgotten the Buckloins, and Red Chili, and Freebie the Beans, and Green Chili.  Freebie blamed Stink for that, once and for all proving that they are indeed living together (although there is some question about their Life Partner status??)   Improvised on the burgers and no one went hungry.  Buckwheats and Single Malt Scotch are going quickly.  One quick shot of port each and we barely make dark before it's bedtime at 8:30.   A beautiful night with bagillions of stars (we should have known what was to come).  Amazingly Wallstreet hasn't taken a shower yet and Jake has spoken only in English.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Up at 6am and Luther makes a pot of coffee strong enough create mild cavitations at the Glen Canyon Dam.  Another tradition is perfected with liberal quantities of Bailey's in the coffee.  Nice call Luther!!!  The Crumb cake from "Jeffi's Bread" is a HUGE hit!!  Fishing by 7:30am.  Fishing is decent but not great.  Pole lands a very nice Walleye.  Banjo not drinking . . . says his Esophagus is on fire . . . we say his pussy is broke.  She's a bit windy by 10am but we manage to enjoy a terrific omelet with traditional Chili Verde (fortunately Deadeye did remember it).  By 11am it's a gale force.  We tighten all ropes a couple times and try to drive the houseboat further up on the shore.  By 2pm it's brutally miserable . . .  we estimate gusts over 60-70 mph.  Fortunately we tie Jake's biggest rope on left front of houseboat as wind is from northwest.  Everyone is hibernated inside listening to Roy D. "By God" Mercer, except Fagpole who is fishing off the back of the houseboat, drinking skank beer and oblivious to Category 5 winds.  Around 3pm a gust literally blows the entire houseboat 15 feet to the right.  Some fear it's going over on it's side and, had we not tied Jake's big rope on and parked about 15 feet to the left of a huge rock just under water, we probably would have found ourselves on the rocks on the other side of the cove.  Flagman is oblivious to the whole thing but says he enjoyed the brief boat ride.  The ropes are now tighter than guitar strings.  Around 5pm worst of the wind begins to lay down but we still have to bring Luther's grill inside to cook the chicken Ore House.  It is definitely not the same without Red Chili (thanks again, Moreforehead).  Flagman is last one eating AGAIN!!  First bottle of port goes bye bye and Stardust plays twice.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Up at 6:30.  She was a cold one last night but Flagman still bounced snores off every canyon wall in southeast Utah.  Pastries are outstanding and we didn't even have to worry about Wallstreet forgetting the cinnamon rolls.  Fishing by 7:45 and catch lots of Stripers.  In by 11:15 for Grace's incredible Breakfast Burritos.  Thank God Jake didn't forget her green chili.  Nice day and the naps are excellent.  Deadeye organizes a fishing tournament.  Teams are: Banjo, Buck, and Pole; Jake, Deadeye, and Wallstreet; Stink, Luther, Freebie, and Knocker.  When asked what the prize would be, Deadeye responded that it depended on how his team did.  We began at 3:20 and had to be back in at 5:30.  The final results were that Jake's team landed 13 fish, Stink's boat had 14, and Captain Banjo's winning vessel totaled 19.  Hooray for Team Banjo.  And, let the record show that we never did find out what the prize was (unles s Dead eye dispensed some secret favors on top of the houseboat that night).  We had Stink's Posole for dinner and it was outstanding (thank God he didn't forget anything either).  Roy D. "By God" Mercer provided dinner entertainment and was voted "Guest of the Year".  Following dinner, Deadeye insisted that we turn out all lights and power at 9pm.  We reconvened to the shore line, under a beautiful crescent moon, where we drank a full bottle of port.  Jake somehow managed to get over served, spilled the chocolates, and spoke in those tongues that only he fully understands.  Buck told the Hair Lip and Bus Driver jokes and we were back inside the boat by 9:30.  All went directly to bed except Flagman who stayed up by himself listening to the Wings game.  Beautiful night but plenty chilly.  Stars unreal!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Up at 6:30 only to discover that Luther had forgotten to make the coffee.  He receives severe reprimands.  Out fishing by 8am.  Everyone caught lots of stripers.  Everyone in for the last of the Bloody Mary's.  It's a terrible thing to run out of anything but unforgivable to run out of Bloody Mary's, especially given Freebie's precise measurements.  Some concern over the biscuits since the Electric refrigerators sucked.  The freezers didn't work since day 1 and the biscuit dough was a soggy mess.  Despite that, Stink did a great glove save on the biscuits.  Buck made enough gravy for a hundred.  Flagman is last one done eating.  Now we discover we're out of cocktail ice and since we have enough Buckwheat fixins left for one more night, Jake, Banjo, and Buck make a run to Hall's for 10 bags of ice.  Max takes Pole, Wallstreet, and Freebie to the end of Slick Rock.  Wallstreet catches 4 different species of fish all on a yellow jig.  He wears out Stink's net, which is made of solid silver but now has a very large hole.  We're in at 6:00 as the wind is starting to blow again.  Max fries fish outside and they are wonderful, even if they do taste like fish.  Jake, with some help from Buck and the Pole makes a world class tartar sauce.  We break the seal on the 5th half gallon of vodka and finish the 3rd bottle of port.  All to bed by 9:30.  It's so windy on top that even the Pole can't snore more than about 3 rips at a time.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
We're up at 5:50.  It's still plenty windy and overcast but no rain yet.  We break camp and get all small boats tied off and up the lake by 7:45.  The next two hours are packing time, cleanup, sandwich making and finishing off Grace's breakfast burritos.  We get back to Hall's at 9:45.  Get houseboat returned, packed up, and mucho cerveza drinking and peanut eating for next 2 hours.  Depart at Noon for the worst drive in history.  Why is it always so damn much further and boring going home than coming??  Uneventful drive home, snow on top of Cedar Gulch.  Morehart almost falls asleep between Blanding and Monticello and Banjo relief drives.  Stop in Dove Creek for gas and Banjo passes gas in the Avalanche.  We arrive in Durango at 4:20 only to discover that Luther's truck is locked and the key fob won't open it.  Call OnStar to no avail and finally call a locksmith.  Morehart, Knocker, and Luther wait for him and everyone else departs at 5:30.  Locksmith arrives and gets door open without further incident allowing Knocker and Luther to depart for their annual shack-up at Luther' cabin.  The Moreharts and 3 Amigos have dinner at Kennebeck's then lights out at 10pm.  We're up at 4:15, to the airport by 6.  No problems with flight and back to Detroit by 5pm.  Home sweet home by 7:00.

2007 LPLT Epilogue Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned

We need better lists and more follow-up to make sure we don't forget essentials like Buck Loins, Red Sauce, Green Chili, Beans, etc, etc.  This is ESSENTIAL!!!!!!
We need to schedule a party at Max and Freebie's House

Let the Pole begin meals 30 minutes early so he can finish with everyone else

The all-electric houseboat sucks, especially when the refrigerator doesn't work!!

When Wallstreet cuts back to 1 shower a day the gray water problem goes away

We need more Cocktail Ice and Bloody Mary Mix (Running out of either is worse than pissin on a Policeman's leg)

Chicken Ore House and Stuffed Burgers are not the same without red chili but, then again, your ass doesn't burn nearly as bad the rest of the trip

Sand in sleeping bags is BAD!!

Have Wally bring his own fishing net so he can break it and not Stinky's

Let Jake create more recipes and make sure he recreates the Tartar Sauce, especially if all the Doo can eat is fish and veggies and tofu

5 1/2 gallons of Vodka and 3 bottles of Port is a Good Start.  Need more Single Malt Scotch

Luther does a great job on the coffee, when he does it.  Bailey's in coffee real good.

Luther pledges to lose 50 more lbs, should be nothing more than a shadow in 2008

Fishing was great in 2007 but too many Stripers

Didn't make hike to the arch and didn't miss it

Jake's ropes and bumpers were a Life Saver!!!!  Thanks Jake

Use the Houseboat radio to call in houseboat problems like the refrigerator

Remind Luther to bring an extra set of keys or pay for OnStar

Jeffi's pastries were a huge hit, much better than cinnamon rolls.  However, we've got to do a better job of keeping the Cibata rolls and other bread items fresh.  Perhaps we need to bag and freeze, assuming we have a freezer that works

We need to get the Doo and the Deuce back, even if they are shitty fishermen and one of them has reportedly given up eating and drinking like a real man.  Why, for God's sake would one do that???

Can cut back a wee bit on tonic water and frozen potatoes

Get more fresh lemons for fish and tartar sauce

Get stuff for Buck's green sauce and new tomato, jalapeno salsa

Same week in 2008 for Stink's son's graduation

Both XM Radio and Roy D. were huge hits
That's everything that was in the notes.  Hopefully Banjo can find the grocery list (breaking news, the list was re-discovered 2/24/08) and Buck can remember the changes he wanted to make on the format.  Other than that, we must all constantly remind ourselves how incredibly lucky we are to have found each other and created something that we all love to do so much.  We desperately miss those who have gone before us and, despite our none-too-subtle aging, we continue to, year after year, renew old friendships and old traditions, laugh at the same things, repeat stupid mistakes, eat and drink too much and take along too much shit every year despite pledges to cut back, marvel at the awesome beauty that is Lake Powell America, and realize how incredibly lucky we are that we have our health, our happiness, and life-long friendships and that we are able to make new memories every year.  May God continue to bless each of us and families forever.
Love, Buck

P. S.  GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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