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LPLT 2011
"The Year of Osama and the Headlight" or
"You Can't Learn to Swim in the Wading Pool

by Buck Ames


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can it be that the day has finally arrived for the epic journey of LPLT 2011 to begin?  Well, just as surely as Ole Knocker hung up his Loan Book yesterday and joined the Stress Free League for the rest of his days, it is here!!!!!  That alone makes two great reasons to celebrate.  But, first a question . . . why is it that, even though we all know there are only 365 or so days in a year, it seems that the count for an LPLT year is infinitely much longer?  Whilst you boys ponder the deep meaning of that little morsel, I will meander along.  Buck awakes at 3:56 and that, boys and girls, is an all-time record for longest sleep on departure day.  Finally up at 4:12 and discover that I?m now pretty sure I broke my toe some time during the night . . . WTF, how in the hell did that happen . . . over.??  Jump in the shower, after all it will be the last non-military soaking in pert near a month.  Get out and dust the boys with a massive load of corn starch . . . aw, Sweet Jesus, thank you for the gift of life?s small guilty pleasures!!  Turn on ESPN right quick to hear that the Tigers lost in the bottom of the 9th.  If that weren?t bad enough, the Wings, in the first game of the 2nd round, versus San Jose, lost 2-1 in OT.  The only consolation is that the AvNots were playing . . . with themselves (Editor?s Note ? that?s some funny shit right there, Buckwheat!!  Well, thank you Ed).  Off at 5:02 am to pickup Banjo.  It?s 32 degrees, can?t wait for Spring in another 2 or 3 months.  Banjo ready but says Susan has no idea there is a world that early on a non-Cheerleading Saturday.  At Pole?s house at 5:20 and his bags are sitting in the driveway but he?s nowhere to be seen.  Ginners suggests we take his bags and leave after  we discover he?s playing with his nuts!!  Has anybody seen the Doo?  He?s been MIA for WAY too long!!  We depart for the airport and Ginners complains to Pole that I don?t stay in my lane in roundabouts.  I contend they are an invention of the French and they never were worth a shit at directions anyway.  We arrive at the airport at 6 bells.  We actually get through Security by 6:35am, without incident . . . amazing that Pole could keep his mouth shut that long.   Now he wants a Bloody Mary.  Banjo asks if Ginners had quizzed me about a little Dip.  Banjo, are you new here???  Pole wants to talk about the Royal Wedding and poses the question whether the Duke of Cambridge got any last night.  I answer with . . . ?did you check the pooper on Kate?s Sister Pippa??  Hey, if the Queen floats your boat as the definition of Royalty that?s fine, but for me that ass is about as ?royal? as it gets!!  Somehow that leads to a confession that Banjo has issues ? he admits he hasn?t had a drink in 2 weeks.  Pole & I advise that?s not a problem and we can fix it.  Banjo offers up some weak bullshit about when you rebuild an engine you can?t just jump on it right out of the box.  I suggest that that?s absolute nonsense ? you most certainly can plant your foot right to the floor . . . and sometimes it blows up and sometimes it don?t.  Guess we?ll see what happens.  About that time we board the plane and lift off at 8:16EDT, right on time.  The Flight Nurse, Shelly, thinks we look like we?re going somewhere fun ? Damn, when did they start hiring smart ones?  We then catch a glimpse of the Male Flight Nurse and we conclude he looks like Howdy Doody.  Pole asks Howdy is Shelly has a cordless blender (hey, I can?t make this shit up).  Howdy plays along and says, ?absolutely and she?s squeezing some fresh limes for the Bloody Mary?s as we speak?.  Pole then inquires if: A) Howdy would like to buy the first round, or B) if not, can we use his employee discount?  Howdy advises Pole that if we think he?s buying, we?ve already been over served.  However, he says that if we get our money out Shelly will know we want alcohol.  I then stand a $20 bill on the bill of my cap and Shelly loves it!!  She rustles up 3 Bloody?s post haste and after 3 sips Banjo announces he?s hammered.  Guess that new motor blowed up after all!!  We do manage to perform the first celebratory LPLT 2011 Toast of the trip and shortly after Buck spills Bloody on his notes (Editor?s Note ? it?s OK since I?m making this crap up anyway).  Somehow that leads to a discussion about, shall we say Mary Jane.  Banjo says he?s thought about shipping a Fatty but although Utah and Lake Powell are beautiful ? they ain?t quite that purty!!  At 7:26 MDT we order the 3rd round and Banjo thinks he?s getting petered.  We decide that while we?re at the lake this year we need to count how many different guys have come on the trip since inception in 1977.  Seems like a perfectly reasonable waste of time to all of us!!  We then wonder how long Katherine has grown Freebie?s hair this year and whether or not he will look like Barry Melrose.  At 7:53 we order the 4th round and Shelly advises that a terrible thing has happened . . . we have consumed all their Bloody Mix.  When we find out that we have not consumed all their Vodka we advise that only the 2nd worst thing that could have happened has happened.  So we concoct some mixture of vodka with half OJ and half Cranapple.  It is, in 2 words . . . perfectly dreadful!!  Banjo, by now, is in full blown Chatty Cathy mode.  At 9am MDT we land in Denver, 20 minutes early, and head to the Burrito place . . . seems like a great way to kill the taste of what he have already drunk by 9am.  Shortly thereafter, we are at Gate B59 in the Denver Airport when Pole gets paged.  Now, who the hell can this be??  It seems that he left his reading glasses on the first plane and that Shelly is delivering them to our Durango gate (Editor?s Note:  Let that be a lesson to you ? if you?re gonna leave shit laying around, make sure you are drunk and obnoxious so you?ll be remembered).  God bless Shelly and thank God Howdy didn?t find em.  We retrieve the glasses and have a one hour plane crash into Durango.  Damn, boys, that one was rough!!  Deadeye picks us up and, wouldn?t you know it, NO booze.  What kind of a host is he??  At 3:30 we arrive at the Mud House Ruins to find Sunni Jane building a Sandbox.  So, drunk as we are we pitch in, carry sand, dig dirt, and Sunni somehow tolerates us long enough to get finished.  We then have some cocktails, eat some PoleNuts and Chocolate Chip Cookies and Morehart shits his pants in the kitchen.  Damn it, Wayne, you?re not at Lake Powell yet.  At 5pm we head back into town for a wonderful spaghetti dinner at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.  We decide that?s exactly the kind of place we need to go to, but we soon discover that our combined youth has managed to bring the median age of the crowd down to just slightly younger than dirt.  After a terrific dinner and some massive amounts of cheap wine, we all head to Bob and Jane Griffith?s house for more drinks and dessert.  The boys meet, and I renew acquaintances with, a bunch of truly delightful people, all friends of Deadeye and Sunni, well at least they?ll admit to being friends with Sunni anyway.  We head home at 8:15 and catch the end of the Rockies 4-1 win over some other schlep National league team that also likes to watch pitchers strike out.  By 9:30 Pole is gone, by 9:45 Buck is toast and Banjo and Wayne are watching a hockey game.  What a delightful start to LPLT 2011!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Buck awakes at 3am ? ouch, but fortunately goes back to sleep until 5 and gets up to make the coffee.  Sunni is already up and complaining about oversleeping.  We have a delightful chat about Grandbabies and what an incredible gift they are.  By 6am all the rest of the boys are up, without a wake up call, and that, girls and boys, is a first!!  At 7:57am, and 26 degrees, we are off to Farmington.  By 9am we arrive at Buck?s Pancake Alley . . . YaTaHay Hosteen!!  Place could use a good flea dip but the chow is decent and relatively cheap.  In the notes it says, and I quote:  ?Pole says his Doctor tells him that since he?s been using the anti-snore machine (not the technical name I don?t think), his Vulva isn?t swollen anymore?.  Well, well, well . . . .like I said earlier, you just can?t make this shit up.  Before going to Sam?s we find a Safeway to get some things for dinner.  It is a surprisingly nice store ? must be the White Eye?s store of Farmington.  We then head to Sam?s and spend $200 on LPLT provisions and Banjo spends $480 on a camcorder (Editor?s Note:  I think Banjo wants to set up a hidden cam to try and determine why he goes home with a sore bobo every year).  We also have to stop back by Safeway for some fresh basil.  By Noon we are back at the Mud House for phone home, watch the Wings, Rockies, and Tigers all lose, and Buck takes an hour nap.  Jim rides his bike to nowhere for an hour.  Methinks Buck has the better plan.  We make the Green Chili Round Steak scrumptious love for dinner (everything just goes better with green chili).  We get a call that Jamie and Samina are driving in from Denver and Samina has thrown up 3 times.  Oh the joys of raising babies.  At 4:30 it starts to snow.  At 5, Jamie and Samina, along with Jeffi and Jen, arrive for dinner.  Samina has breathtakingly beautiful blue eyes.  She is not initially impressed with the GLC boys but soon warms up, especially with Gramps Banjo.  We have cocktails all around and witness firsthand that ?Wee-uh & Baboosh? are Samina?s two most favoritest people on the planet.  We have a delectable dinner of bruschetta, Green Chili round steak, great Bread bread, salad, and ice cream bars.  The kids leave by 7 and we settle in to watch Celebrity Apprentice.  Very soon Donald Trump is interrupted by Pres Obama with news that U. S. Military forces have killed Osama Bin Laden.  God Bless the U. S. A. and the U. S. Military and thank you Jesus that there is now one less towel-headed terrorist in the world!!!  We are all in bed and lights out by 10pm. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

After waking up numerous times to thank God for bin Laden?s departure, Buck is up at 5:08 to make the coffee.  Wake up the other boys by 6 and there is a light snow cover on everything.  It is absolutely beautiful, blue skies and no wind ? let?s hope it?s like that the rest of the week.  We are off to town at 7:10 and 24 degrees.  We drop off Wayne at the Dealership at 7:30 for a Sales Meeting.  The rest of us start the task of checking inventory.  We see the new Rod Case that Wayne has had one of his guys make for him . . . out of a Fed Ex box . . . cheap bastard!!! At 8:15 we head to Wal-Mart to buy a new boom box and so Banjo can get a new chip for his camera.  We also go to downtown Durango to Gardenswartz so Banjo can get a waterproof bag for his new camcorder (sure is getting expensive to determine the source of a sore butthole).  At 9:30 we pick up Wayne and head to Bread to pick up our order of the world?s best bread for LPLT 2011.  Damn that stuff is good, especially the Green Chili Croissants ? at lest the French finally got something right!!!  Jamie and Samina meet us there so Jamie can get a picture of Jim for a story she is doing about the Iron Horse Race.  Wallstreet and Reggae also meet us there and Jeffi, in addition to charging us a fraction of what she should for the bread, also gives us a bottle of Macallan Scotch for the trip.  That?s kinda like winning the lottery and then getting a bonus!!!  We head across the street to Star Liquors for beer, liquor, and wine for Sunni.  We ask for an autograph from Jim Tressel since the owner is a huge Ohio Hate fan.  They think we are less than funny and the God?s shit on us as Banjo and Buckwheat totally forget to buy any port ? damn, damn, damn.  Baboosh draws babysitting duty for Samina and she really loves the liquor store!  By 10:30 we are back at dealership.  At 11am Luther, Ponch, and the newly-retired, first day on the new job, Knicker-Knocker arrive from Denver.  It seems Luther hit a duck ? yes, he said a duck ? coming over Wallsenburg Pass.  There are blood and guts all over his front end.  At 11:45 we head to Gaspacho?s.  We are joined by Murphy and Mr Whipple ? good to see them, but Murphy still doesn?t appreciate the humor about the cloverleaf in the new dealership logo (what the hell is a Shamrock anyway?).  The Blue Corn Enchiladas, with a side of Carne Adovada  . . . esta MUCHO BUENO!!  If they had Mexican food like this at home we?d all be as big as Luther.  After lunch we head to the Mountain Bike shop, gas up, buy some community beer and ice, and back to the dealership by 1:45.  At 3 we?re off to City Market for the annual grocery excursion.  Mr. Whipple is this year?s MVP of the shopping trip since he knows where every single item is and how it compares in price and quality to everything else.  Damn, we need to keep him along.  Buck manages to lose his glasses case (but the City Mkt Manager brings it to the Dealership later.  Yeah, that would probably happen in Deetroit as well). Wayne complains that we spent $100 more than last year ? it?s only money and I plan on having more than $100 additional fun!!!  By 4:40 we?re back at the dealership and finally Stink and Jake show up.  Freeb is MIA as he?s driving back from Albuquerque and having some tests done.  We hope he?s OK.  We proceed to load things up and Ponch says Luther?s wife confided in him that Luther has a terminal case of small cox disease.  We?re guessing there is no cure.  We?re also all quite amazed, especially Reggae, that Wallstreet hasn?t wrecked anything yet.  Jake advises that Grace has made the breakfast burritos but has retired from tortilla making as her hands won?t allow it.  Jake makes some lame ass excuse that they just don?t taste the same when he rolls them.  Knocker is amazed at how stress free retirement life is thus far.  Meanwhile, Banjo is, once again, being a pussy about something and Pat Murphy offers some sage advice for the ages . ... ?YOU CAN?T LEARN TO SWIM IN THE WADING POOL?.  (Editor?s Note: damn, that?s a good one, I must steal it and use it extensively).  We pick up dinner at Texas BBQ, home by 6pm, dinner and get things packed up for tomorrow departure.  By 9pm it?s Lights Out

 Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Buck up at 4:14 to start the coffee and begin packing.  Two dead lock certain things also happen:  1) Sunni is already up, and 2) Pole is late and the last one in the truck to go to town.  I swear, sometimes I just stare at the boy to make sure he isn?t movin - backwards.  But, somehow we manage to hit the road at 5:35 and 28 degrees.  At 5:57am, we finally arrive and discover that the definition of late is . . . Freebie is already there.  Thanks, Pole!!  However, Wallstreet and Reggae are not, which means that somewhere between Durango and Farmingburg there is a little short guy muttering non-flattering aspersions about our boy Wallstreet.  We step out of the vehicle and catch a full ration of shit about being late.  At 6:18 the New Mexico Duo (Oscar and Felix??) finally show up, with complaints of low tire pressure or some kind of Pollock bullshit.  Finally, at 6:21 we go ?wheel?s up? for the Big Water.  I call Ginners to wish her an early Happy Birthday since I am going to miss her 60th birthday (Editor?s Note:  I actually did offer to cancel my 2011 LPLT participation,  and was strongly advised that my absence would be sufficient present enough for a birthday of such significance).  Pole farts, Deadeye giggles, Buck & Banjo curse.  At 7:27am the time honed tradition of ?quenching of a terrible, parching thirst? with the first beer of the day at the Lewis, CO turnoff is once again honored.  All is right with the world.  At 7:55 we arrive at the Blue Mountain Caf? in Dove Creek.  We make the waitress take Pole?s order and turn it in first before the rest of us even get a cup of Joe, just in hopes that he will somehow finish eating within a half an hour of the rest of us (Editor?s Note: didn?t work).  The food is exactly has it?s been for the last 36 years but a terrible thing happens ? there is no TP in the shitter.  So, we decide to go across the street to the Shell Station and, in addition to wiping asses, we also purchase $381 worth of gasoline.  Guess you can put a price tag on fun!!  At 9:33 we are finally on the road again and make the Blanding turn off/Tin building piss stop at 10:32.  It?s 54 degrees as we climb back into the truck, crack open another cerveza and celebrate another wonderful tradition ? playing of the ?Electric Horseman? at that point.  Life is getting even better.  We so break with tradition, however, by putting Banjo in the front seat so he can use his new camcorder . . . or try not to throw up whilst drinking his Virginia Slim beers ? not sure which it is.  Lots of cattle in the road today.  At 11:26 we make another predictable stop at the 46 mile turnoff and Deadeye decides to fulfill one of the things on his Bucket List . . . which is to ride the remaining 46 miles to the lake on his bike.  That?s right, he said ride 46 miles on his bike, with NO beer and a perfectly functioning Chevy Trucks as an option.  I decide that if there had ever been such a horrendously foolish idea on my bucket, the bucket must have had a perfectly efficient hole in it.  Despite 11 of us questioning his sanity, Wayne dons the pink leotards and at 11:32 and 58 degrees, he starts peddling.  I have no idea who actually drove our vehicle at that point but someone must have, as the trip notes indicate we arrived at the Hall?s Crossing boat launch at 12:31 and 72 Degrees.  At 12:50 Stink, Knocker, and Luther depart for the Bullfrog Marina to get the houseboat.  It is a gorgeous day, even by LPLT standards, with beautiful sunny skies and virtually no wind.  Thank You Jesus.  At 1:54 I try to call Wayne to see if he is still alive and peddlin ? no answer.  At 2:20 Stink finally returns to the dock with absolutely nothing to report.  At 2:24 Ole Deadeye peddles his ass down the ramp and checks off one thoroughly ridiculous item off his Bucket List (reckon what other foolishness is on there???  Don?t really wanna know).  At 3pm the Houseboat finally shows and we quickly load up and head down the lake.  We are, once again, amazed at what an astonishing crew we have, as the efficiency of tying up 4 fishing boats, unloading groceries, stocking the liquor cabinet, storing shit everywhere, making cocktails, playing great music, piloting the vessel, establishing 12 bunks, and loving every second while marveling at what God has created here, is comparable to the greatest symphonic performance that you would hear in Carnegie or anyone else?s Hall.  Life is truly very, very good and we are truly, truly blessed!!  At 6:30 we make shore at a wonderful camp spot in Slick Rock Canyon along the south canyon wall.  Shortly thereafter the burgers are cooking, the beans warming, the salad made, and the cocktails and lies are flowing.  By 8:01 Deadeye is in bed, making some lame ass excuse about being tired.  Wimp!!!  Shortly thereafter we discover, the hot water, she no work!!  Uh oh!!  By 8:30 most of the rest follow Wayne?s lead and make their way to the bunks.  What an amazingly beautiful night and, for those reading this who have never seen the stars at Lake Powell, you have no earthly idea what you missed!!  It is nothing short of spectacular.  Also amazing is how quiet the boat is, OR how much they have improved the insulation!!

 Wednesday, May 4, 2011

At exactly 5:43 Luther fires up the generator, which means the coffee will be done in about 10 minutes.  Shortly thereafter, Wayne fires down the ladder to the crapper and everyone, or most everyone, is up enjoying the day.  At 6:45 Stink, Knocker, and Luther are the first fishing boat out.  By 7am Captains Reggae and Jake shove off and by 7:30 Buck and Pole start putting their fishing shit together.  At 8:30 Banjo finally drags his ass out of bed and we depart for Walleye Point, or at least what we think it is.  At 9:08 Buckwheat catches the first fish and can now put his shit away for the rest of the trip.  Within 20 minutes we?ve all caught multiple fish and are back in by 10:30.  Reports seem to indicate that Jake is the fishing champ of the am.  Can that be??  It is a gorgeous day, made even better by Freebies precisely made Bloody Marys and Deadeye?s Chorizo Omelet.  At 11:45 we call Bullfrog to request a mechanic come and fix the water heater, after Banjo diagnoses it has a bad element.  By 1pm it?s naps all around and the mechanic arrives at 1:30 to discover that Banjo was correct and he should have brought a new element with him.  He departs to go back and get one.  Dumb ass ? when it?s electronics or guitars you should know to listen to Banjo!!  Buck recruits Stink to try and fix a reel that had come apart when he tried to clean it ? let that be a lesson ? don?t ever try and clean a reel.  Johnny Morris and Mr Cabela didn?t get where they are by guys cleaning their reels.  Stink quickly diagnoses the correct fix ? he shit cans Buck?s reel.  At 3:15 Stink and Banjo take off back to the Boat Launch to get Jake?s XM power cord as we cannot find the one in Buck?s stuff that we?ve always used.  While they are gone the mechanic returns and gets the water heater fixed.  By 4pm everyone else is out fishing and Stink and Banjo return.  Stink and Buck take off for the end of Iceberg to fish but don?t catch shit.  Sorry Stink, I?ve rubbed off on you.  Banjo stays behind to get the XM working so we can stay up on hockey, baseball, and whether or not we?ve killed any more towel heads.  We?re back by 5:40 to discover that, because of the location of the canyon wall, we cannot get a satellite signal, thus no XM reception.  Some decide to shower, only to discover there is a better water flow out of the shower handle than the shower head.  Oh well, at least the water is hot.  At 7:45 we dine on Chicken Ore House, Lake Powell Casserole and salad.  After dinner we are entertained by Ron White and Lewis Black and no Port!!!  Even the chocolate doesn?t taste as good without some fine 20 year old port.  Damn it Buckwheat and Banjo ? don?t let that happen again!!!  A deep philosophical discussion ensues, concluding with the thought that, ?this country?s two party political system is currently about as efficient as a bowl of shit looking at itself in the mirror?!!  Luther has lead the parade to bed, beginning at 8:30, and by 10pm it?s lights out for all.  Another incredible night!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco de Mayo to Gringos everywhere!!!  Generator on at 5:36.  Temp is 49 Degrees and the water temp is 59.  Stink takes Buck and Wayne out to fish till 11am.  The final count is Stink 5, Buck 1, and Deadeye his normal total of rocks and sticks,  but we don?t depend on him for the fish fry anyway.  Jake warms the breakfast burritos and Grace?s Green Chile.  Jake also wearing a great T Shirt, which says, ?Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day?.  Gotta love it!!  Naps all around by 12:30 till 2.  At 2pm, a fishing clinic is held for Deadeye on the back deck.  He is instructed on the fine art of rigging plastic shit, both weedless and non.  We also make a list of all the different people who have made this trip since the inaugural voyage in 1977.  We come up with a list of 21 names, not counting the 12 on this trip, so we reckon that the grand total is 33.  At some point we need to have Banjo make a list of them on our world famous, award winning web site.   By 3:45 all out fishing except Buck and Luther as they are napping and prepping Buckloin and chicken for Saturday sandwiches (another fine idea by our leader Wayne).  We also enjoy Marty Robbins, and the Nylons as we also make Tomato Caprese and the salad for tonight.  By 6:45 all are in and there are reports of Pole catching a hawg largemouth and, supposedly, Banjo has it on video.  Guess he thinks Dixie will want to use it on ?Hook N Look?.  We decide, in Pole?s case it?s ?Hook N Luck?.  At exactly 6:50pm (still plenty of daylight left) a truly remarkable event occurs . . . Wallstreet plops down at the dinner table wearing, are you ready for this, a F*#king HEADLIGHT.  That?s right, he said, a Headlight, while it?s still light out.  We inquire as to whether he is going to audition as a Coal Miner or if Cindi had told him to always be ready in case it turns dark.  Turns out it something pretty close to the latter as Wallstreet pontificates, ?it?s going to be dark when I go to bed?.  Well, no shit, Pollock!!!  Wallstreet is one amazing old guy, and damn we are glad he is ours!!!  When the rest of us finally partially recover, we dine on a remarkable batch of Stink?s Posole, Beans, Salad, and Tomato Caprese.  Following dinner we again watch Lewis and Ron and, once again, Luther expires before they do.  By 9:30 it?s Lights Out for all.  Another gorgeous night. You just gotta see these Stars . . . Holy Jesus, and Sweet Mary, Mother of God, but they are a site to behold!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Generator fires up at 5:46.  It was a pretty warm night and this am is the warmest so far.  Cudos again to Jeffi on the Crumb Cake.  By 7:30 all out fishing except Buck and Banjo as they are the only one?s smart enough to know that, despite the beautiful weather, the fishing is shitty, but who really gives a rat?s ass??  We prep the Gravy and work on the 2012 grocery list.  Buck showers and cooks the chicken breasts and some left over pork loin for tomorrow?s go-home sandwiches.  At 10:15 some North Country buddies of Knocker?s stop by to say Howdy and they report slow fishing as well.  However, when Reggae comes in he declares that they went by a boat with an old lady that either wasn?t wearing panties or she had a stringer of bluegills in her lap (Editor?s Note: that?s some pretty funny shit Reggae).  By 11:30 all in and feast on Buckwheat?s world famous Biscuits N Gravy.  Unfortunately the biscuits took forever.  We need to make sure the biscuits don?t get a chance to thaw and refreeze as they are a bitch to get apart when that happens and we also need to bring an oven thermometer as the oven temp is obviously way out of whack.  Anyway, its still delicious and naps all around by 12:45.  Beginning to get a little breezy.  Out fishing for a short time, as catching is shitty and it?s a royal bitch fighting the wind with Goddard?s Mind-of-it?s-Own, Piece-of-Shit Trolling Motor.  We?re back in by 4:30 and the rest meander in by 6:30.  The wind blew the Houseboat sideways about 10 feet but Captain Knocker comes out of retirement long enough to fire up the motors and gets it straightened out.  Jake decides he needs to cut up some limes for more Buckwheat?s.  I watch him and inquire as to whether he used to be a Flight Attendant for Delta Airlines, as they are the only ones I?ve ever seen get 150 pieces out of a single lime as Jake is doing.  He has absolutely no f#*king idea what I?m talking about, nor does he care.  At 7:10 we do the cherished and touching annual salute to Sparky and Jasper and begin to fry fish.  Jake also goes to work, with Pole?s help, on his Tartar Sauce and Banjo builds a shore fire.  Sure wish we had some Port for later.  At 8:45 we finally dine on some fish and left over Chicken Ore House, Beans, Tortillas and Cheese, Green Chili and Salad.  And, we also discover that Wayne doesn?t know the front of the boat from the back, let alone fore and aft, as he thinks Banjo?s Bunk is on the back of the boat.  It?s a warm night with lots of stars and Stink, Freeb, Pole, and Banjo linger by the fire and kill a bottle of Johnny Walker Red, in the absence of any 20 year old Port.  They report it?s a disappointing substitute. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy 60th Birthday Ginners.  Wish I was there but also wish I didn?t have to leave Lake Powell today!!!  Generator on at 5:47.  By 6:36 we?re breaking camp and by 7:08 all boats are tied on and we?re up the Lake.  We finish the breakfast burritos and somehow Buckwheat gets the sandwiches made without cutting himself.  Guess there?s always a first on this trip.  At 9:16 we arrive at the Hall?s dock and by 9:46 the Houseboat is off, back to Bullfrog.  They return and by 11:48 we?re all loaded up and rollin home.  It?s 84 degrees.  I call home and sing Happy Birthday to Ginners.  Thankfully she reports all is well at home and I?m not in too deep a shit.  At 1:20 we make the Tin Bldg piss stop.  A sign informs us there have been 44 car/deer crashes between Blanding and Monticello so far in 2011.  Wonder if any of these current event scholars know that Bin Laden bit the big one??  At 2:30 we arrive in Dove Creek and stop for gas, another $318 ? damn towel heads.  At 4:02 we arrive back in Durango and its 73 degrees.  We unload everything and re-store the inventory at the Chrysler Parts building.  We say our good-byes all around for another year and profess our heartfelt hope that we will all meet again at the same spot next year!!!  The 3 Deetroit boys make our way to the Hampton Inn as Jamie and Samina are staying at the Mud House.  The accommodations are very nice, with the exception that there is some sort of youth soccer tournament in town and there are about a billion of em in the lobby and tearing and screaming through the hallways.  I?m about ready to put a fork in my eye and can only imagine how many drugs it?s going to take for Ole Banjo to survive this.  Pole is, quite naturally, oblivious to it all.  We have also brought Wayne along with us so he can clean up and change before meeting all the girls for dinner.  Banjo and Buck take turns showering in their room.  After the houseboat, this fire hose like shower head is Mucho Bueno!!  There is an unconfirmed report that, in an effort to conserve water, Wayne and Pole have shared a shower.  I am, in a word, horrified!!  Call Ginners again to wish her another Happy Birthday.  She is at Laura?s house for a party.  It is a blessing to have such great kids!!  At 6pm we head to Steamworks to meet all the Morehart girls for dinner.  It is great to see Jeremy there and she looks as fabulous as always and still has that wonderful, unique Jeremy spirit.  Dinner is excellent, except for the beer snob conversation Pole engages our waiter in.  Just shoot me.  AT 8:30 we head back to the Hampton and watch the NASCAR race from Darlington.  We decide on a 4:30am departure tomorrow for the airport.  Pole says he needs a 3:30 wake up call in order to get ready in time.  Are you shitting me??  Nope!!  Night, night

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother?s Day to all!!  Our alarm goes off at 3:45 and I call Pole, in the next room.  He is already awake, thank God.  At 4:18 we all meet downstairs, load up and head to the airport.  It?s 38 degrees.  We arrive at 5:08 for a 6am departure and there are only 2 people in front of us.  Coffee shop opens at 5:30.  For some reason, known to no one, Banjo uses his high-tech equipment to search the song ?Rolly Polly?.  Turns out it was originally recorded by Bob Wills.  I am the only one that knows his group was called the ?Texas Playboys?.  We head through Security  and Pole has to go through X-ray twice, once forward and once sideways.  We surmise that the ?Rolly Polly? discussion was a premonition.  We board at 6am and we?ve got a hot FA named Katie.  Banjo is snoozing before takeoff and Pole is engaged in quite a conversation, near as I can tell, with himself.  Very smooth flight and we land in Denver at 7:21.  We dine on some Goldfish, Sandwiches, and Cookies I brought from yesterday?s unfinished lunch.  At 10am we board the flight to Detroit and naps all around.  We land at 3pm and Ginners is right on time to pick us up.  Wings win game 5 and it?s Home Sweet Home!!!  We had another incredible trip.  The weather was spectacular and the fishing was not, and that?s exactly the order we all (well except maybe for Stink) would prefer if we can only have one.  We had a blast, we made it there and back safely, and the world?s #1 terrorist got exactly what he deserved.  Joy To the World!!!!

2011 LPLT Epilogue Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned

We actually thought the lake level had gone down while we were there, only to discover it had actually gone up about half a foot.  All in all it was probably the best weather trip we?ve ever had.  The only bad part of that is, payback is a . . .

In 2012 we need to study the rules on Zebra Mussel Certificates as they seem to change every year.

We all loved the opportunity and were honored to welcome Knocker to his retirement years and we also appreciate his help in getting the 45th Parallel Vodka (especially the Horseradish stuff). And we certainly appreciate the always-generous DC for buying.  And, a huge thanks to Luther for the Famous Grouse, Bailey?s and all the countless other extra stuff he always brings!!.

We once again agreed that 4 bottles of port is just right and Sandeman 20 year old is best.  However, we MUST ensure that we NEVER forget them again as Banjo and Buckwheat did this year.  Shame, shame, shame!!!  Also, need to find the Hershey Nuggets if possible and, if not, just about any other chocolate will do.

Again, we are left to wonder what other vile activities are on Deadeye?s Bucket List?  I have never actually made one but, when I do, I guaran-damn-tee you there will be no mention of riding a bicycle in pink spandex for almost 50 miles while my buddies are drinking beer and listening to Willie.

Jake promised he would make home made tortillas in 2012 since Grace?s problems with her hands will not allow her to roll them.  We?ll see now won?t we.  Always bring massive amounts of anything Grace cooks!!

Buck needs a beeper on his glasses case.

Need to make sure we get the right XM Power Cord and try to park in a place where we can get a satellite signal.

The DC boys all wonder how Pole can wake up in such a good mood everyday.  He always seems to be so happy in the morning.  I tell them that, if you knew for dead nuts certain that you weren?t going to have to watch any of your moldings fall off a brand new vehicle on that day, you would be happy also.

Pole and Jake had a hell of a time without measuring cups for the tartar sauce.  I still haven?t figured out why they didn?t just borrow Freebies, since he?s almost 70 years old and still hasn?t learned how to make Bloody Mary?s without a recipe and precise measurements.

Pole admitted that this was the first time he ever knew there was more than one song on the Stardust album.  The rest of us have known that forever but we?ve also known that Willie doesn?t need Pole?s snoring accompaniment.

We loved Jake?s fishing t-shirt mentioned earlier.  We also decided Banjo needs a new t-shirt that reads, ?Doesn?t always play well with others?.  He can wear that on non-drug days.

We really appreciate Goddard letting us use his Tracker Bass Boat.  It is a welcome addition all except for the P-O-S Trolling Motor.  Banjo commits ?he feex? for the future.

Need to get an Oven Thermometer, especially for Biscuit making day.  And, speaking of Biscuits, 24 is plenty.  We can get 2 bags of 12 at City Market rather than 36 at Sams

Cookies, crumb cake, Muffins, and all Jeffi's bread, especially the Olive loaf, is outstanding.  Just need to try and keep bread fresh as possible (works best to put extra stuff in front freezer and just get out as it's needed)

The 59' houseboat was perfect and the generator noise was not an issue (at least for most of us)
The front ice chest on the houseboat is the smartest thing they've ever done (well, except for 2 shitters). 

Don't forget to get the pillows, linens, towels, extra coffee pot, folding table, etc from Bullfrog and make sure we get sufficient quantities of Ice, especially cubed cocktail ice.  We came out just right on the ice this year and the reason was Deadeye wasn?t along to pick up the Houseboat and try to cheapfuk us on the ice!!!  8 blocks and 6 20lb bags of crushed came out just right.  Don?t never ever let Wayne screw with it again!!

The Olive Oil/Lemon Juice marinade for the chicken was fine, but still need 1 bottle of Allegro for Buckloins

2 lb bag of chips enough and don't even consider buying salt free peanuts - even Wayne won't eat em

Tonic water doesn't keep from one year to next

Don't F#*K with the menu!!!!!!!  but buy Sodium free salt to cook with out of concern for Wayne's ticker.  Buck may just make some Essence with Salt Substitute in the future.

2 lbs of coffee enough

Need 60 paper plates.  Makes dish washing much easier

1 lg jar olives enough.  Get thing of blue cheese from City Market rather than huge one at Sam's

Get Large Olive Oil at Sam's (look for balsamic there also)

Lewis Black and Ron White were, once again, a big hit, especially on the new flat screen TV and whatever technology it was that Banjo used to make em appear.

Check out all spare tires, boat trailer spares, wheel bearing grease, Boom Box/CD players, etc PRIOR to the trip!!!  Make sure we get Jake's XM player and power cord and Buck's antenna

Get more fresh lemons for tartar sauce and fish fry but make sure Jake and Pole make their special tartar sauce and that Pole brings the recipe
So, boys, there you have it.  Now, wasn't it worth waiting for?  And, despite the less than ideal fishing conditions, the weather was SPECTACULAR and a wonderful trip was had by all.  Bottom line, we are all truly blessed to have reasonably good health, wonderful families, and despite our advancing age, be at a place in our lives where we can truly enjoy each other's company.  It is almost beyond comprehension that a group of guys can continue doing something we love so much for so long, do it so well, without major problems (other than questionable footwear and endless flatulence), and still want to come back for more year after year.  The almost spiritual beauty of Lake Powell is exceeded only by the boundless joy of good friends!!!  See you in 2012, God willing!!!!!! 


Love, Buck

horizontal rule



Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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