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"Watch That First Step"

by Buck Ames



Subtitled “Watch That First Step”

We’ve always been told that anything worth doing is worth waiting for . . . or something like that.  Well, that certainly applies to the annual LPLT Epilogue.  I’m often asked why I wait so long to do it.  And, my answer is that . . . anybody could do it while it’s fresh in their mind, but it takes a true professional to do it almost a year later.  Well, it’s either that or I’m just a giant procrastinator but, either way, it is a profound privilege to use the meager talents that God has given me, to try and capture priceless and precious memories of a group that have become so much more than friends and are eloquent testimony to the long held adage that, “We have to grow old but we NEVER have to grow up”!!!!  Here goes, Bassholes . . .


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Since, based on history, I was pretty sure I would have trouble sleeping and knowing that I’m gonna have to get up real early, I watch Shark Tank and then hit the pillow at 9pm on Friday night.  After some period I wake up at take a look at the clock.  Its 10:10pm . . . oh, shit, its gonna be a long night.  At 3:52 am I get tired of tossing and turning so hit the shower.  Turn the coffee on and put the cinnamon rolls Ginner’s made last night in the oven to cook for the other two Bassholes travelin with me today.  At 5:15 I send a text to them.  Immediately get a reply from Banjo who has had an equally shitty night’s sleep.  No word from the Pole who must be giving birth to another Democrat.  At 5:31 and 37 degrees arrive at Banjo’s house.  He’s waiting in the garage so we load up and head to Fiddlfuk’s house.  He is, remarkably, ready to go so at 6 bells we head to the airport while Ginner’s pours coffee for the boys and serves em right outta the oven cinnamon rolls.  Don’t know what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful woman but God is good!!!  At airport at 6:39 and thru Security uneventfully (we think).  Pole stops to birth yet another Liberal and me and Banjo proceed on to gate.  15 minutes later Pole waddles to the gate telling us that he noticed in the head that his cell phone is missing.  We tell him to go back to Security.  He does and they advise that no extra phones have been turned in.  But an actual friendly, helpful TSA Supervisor . . . yeah, I know it’s an oxymoron, offers to help by calling the Pole’s phone number.  To everyone’s amazement they hear a phone ringing, under the shoot where you put your bags to go in the X-ray machine.  Apparently it had fallen off his belt when it took it off as part of the strip search process and just as apparently Pole never remembered it was missing when he re-cinched up.  Only the Pole!!!  I give each boy a small bag of cookies Ginners also made for them and Pole gives us each a little container of PoleNuts.  In return Banjo gives us each a ration of shit about why it’s our fault he forgot to load some movie trailer on his phone so he could play it on the Houseboat.  Think it’s time for the boy to hit the drugs.  While we’re sitting at gate we call Knocker to see if he has started the drive from Wisconsin to Durango yet.  He says they’ve been on the road about 2 hours and they slept in and didn’t hit the road till 6am.  At 8:18 I get a page to check with the agent at the ticket counter.  I figure that can’t be good news but it’s only a Birthday Card from United Airlines.  I thank them and then point out that they forgot the First Class Upgrade.  They all get a good laugh out of that and direct me back to my seat.  At 8:45 we board the plane at see that Pole is sitting next to Prince Fielder.  We also notice that the Flight Attendant is a little cutie named Amber.  We ask her if they have plenty of vodka as last year’s plane ran out.  She instantly determines that we are “on vacation” and asks where we are going.  When we tell her about Powell she amazes us by asking if we’ve ever been to Bullfrog Marina.  Did I just hear that correctly???  Yes, she is a Lake Powell veteran and part of a HB timeshare out of Bullfrog.  Pretty easy to imagine her in a bikini, waving to us from a HB.  We tell her about our website and Banjo takes her picture and tells her to look for it on the website (Guess he was thinking that some IT Wizard would actually update the website before next year.)   We push back at 9:08 and at 9:45 Amber delivers 6 Bloody Marys to us.  She shoves a device in front of me to collect $44 and not knowing what it is I just tap it.  She thinks I’m pretty funny or already drunk as what she wanted was a signature on her credit card machine.  Banjo takes his drugs and announces he’s already drunk.  We order a second round soon after but Banjo can’t reach his wallet as his arm is too sore from writing a $60,000 check to build his deck for the second time.  Pole switches to Buckwheats but is pissed they have no limes.  Apparently they do have limes but no knives with which to cut them.  Sure want to thank those towel headed pricks for making flying so much fun!!  After WAY to much serious discussion about God knows what we are on final approach to Denver at 9:30 MDT.  At 9:40 we land and Banjo announces that he has to go pee pee . . . a LOT.  Naturally we’re early in to Denver and accordingly there is no gate ready so our plane get’s sent to the penalty box to wait.  Banjo is now in serious pain.  I manage to get Amber’s attention, explain the situation and she makes a call and gets the OK for him to run to the pisser.  Guess it does pay to not act your age on an airplane.  We get off the plane and call Wayne to let him know we’ve made it this far.  He advises that Pat Murphy has had a heart attack and he’s at hospital.  We tell him we’ll pray for Pat and then get back to acting like juveniles.  We carry on the tradition of breakfast burritos at the Cantina.  Our flight to Durango is delayed about an hour and a half which is just more drinking and nap time.   We finally get off and land in Durango around 3pm.  It’s windy as hell but about 70 degrees.  Wayne meets us and tells us this is by far the nicest day of the year so far.  We stop by the dealership to get the boy’s fart sacks.  We’ve got just enough time to grab a beer at the El Rancho before stopping by the Church for our Spaghetti dinner carryout and head to the Mudhouse Ruins.  Sunni is in her studio (imagine that).  I immediately notice that she now has short hair.  First time in almost 40 year’s I’ve known her that she has short hair but looks terrific with it.  We’re also glad to see that Grande is still around.  Thankfully it’s cocktail hour as we watch the last period of the Wing’s playoff game, their 22nd straight year in post season, the longest streak in pro sports.  We greatly enjoy our spaghetti, suffer thru several Pole flagellations as watch the Rockies lose in extra innings and all to bed at 10pm.  Nite nite bassholes.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

I’m so excited about my birthday that I wake up at 2:47 am . . . shitfukhelldamn . . . and work on my notes and read my pal Rocky’s book till I finally fall asleep again around 4.  Up for good at 5 and stumble into the kitchen and start the coffee and take this opportunity to christen the throne before those stinky ass boys find their way.  At 5:30 me and Sunni Jane are solving the world’s problems on the porch with a great cup of coffee.  I am again reminded that there is something downright spiritual about the smell of the Colorado High Country at this time of day.  There is nothing else quite like it and it never, ever gets old.  Get a Happy B Day text from GLo and the other boys up by 6.  We greatly enjoy one of Jeffi’s Green Chile Croissants and Wayne, Sunni, and Pole walk to get the paper while me and Banjo each shower and work on the grocery list.  At 9:45 Jim and Jane head to Hospital to check on Pat and Three Amigos head to Farmington for some grease at Buck’s Pancake Alley and hit Sam’s for groceries.  Back at Mudhouse at 1 and we wrap 36 frozen biscuits in sandwich bags.  Think this is actually gonna work.  J & J return at 1:30.  They advise that Pat is just coming out of lala land but is still on morphine for severe pain in his shoulder.  Got a text from Knock that they arrived in Durango around 2pm.  At 3 me and Pole head to town to buy some scotch and get some wine for Sunni.  We get back home and watch Rockies get swept by AZ.  Looks like it’s gonna be another long season for their fans.  At 5, Jeffi and Jen come out for a mucho bueno healthy dinner.  After eating me and Banjo and Pole make a get well card for Pat.  Jen is gonna take it to him on Monday with a flower arrangement from us.  This outta have him up and around in no time.  All to bed by 9:52pm. 


Monday, April 29, 2013

I’m up at 5:02 and make the coffee and warm up the shitter for the boys.  They’re up by 6 and Pole beats Banjo to the shower and head.  Leave the house at 7, and 37 degrees.  We see Weeuh on her walk and talk about her early morning coffee and contemplation sessions on the porch each morning.  Near as we can tell what she actually does during those periods is think up new ways to kick Wayne’s ass for being a dick.  But, at least he’s our dick!!!  Get to Dealership and begin annual inventory check.  Believe it or not, we find everything just as it was the last time we saw it.  But, for some unknown reason we cannot find Buck’s Elec Horseman or Stardust CD’s.  At 8:30 I drive back to Mudhouse and find Wayne’s CD case with both of them.  He musta stole em from me.  At 9:30 off to Bakery.  Spent $64 on our stuff there.  Great to see Jeffi and see that business is still thriving.  At 10:45 Luther and Ponch meet us at the Ohio Hate guy’s liquor store.  We tell Ponch he better cut that bowlin shit out cause it looks like it’s makin his hair fall out.  He’s now sportin the comb over look and wearin lots of caps.  Luther has brought a flame thrower for Banjo.  Uh oh, this can’t be good!!!!  Back to dealership at 11:30 and clean up Goddard’s boat and load stuff in it.  Meet Jim at his office at Noon.  He says they now have all tubes out of Pat and have had him up walking around.  Apparently the ER Drs did a hell of a job on him as his ticker actually stopped for a period.  Welcome back Shamrock!!!!  At 1pm we head to one of our annual favorite parts of the trip . . . lunch at Gaspacho’s.  We meet Freeb, Jake, Stink, Knock, and Mr Whipple there.  Good to see Bawana Jake but we’re sure gonna miss him as he is going on Safari this year vs the lake with us.  Stink is fired up about his Gonads (the fishing ones that is).  I ask him if he can rig a weedless tube jig with it.  He says he can do one so good that even Freeb can’t screw it up . . . we’ll see about that!!!  At 2:45 we head to City Market and Mr Whipple is a HUGE help finding everything.  We talk about sending him the list in advance next year to put aisle numbers on it and how that will simplify everything.  Banjo reminds us that he had that idea 10 years ago and we pissed all over it.  I splain that it wasn’t a good idea till it was MY idea.  Back to dealership by 4 and start sorting and loading stuff.  Reggae and Wally show up shortly and we can’t help but notice that Reggae is wearing a back brace.  Apparently he’s already preparing to catch the Flying Wallinski.  We have a few ceremonial brews and then head to Pizza place to get stuff to meet Samina and all the girls for a picnic in the park.  Samina is terminally cute and growing up way too fast!!!   We’re home by 8 and to bed by 9:30.


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well, miracle of miracles, the Sleep Meter has finally reached ZERO!!!!  Awake at 3:32 and by 4 me and Wayne up and coffee on.  Got “sleep all dayers” up at 4:25.  Off to town at 5:05.  We arrive at Dealership at 5:25 and Luther, Ponch, and Freeb already there.  Denny and Whipple by 5:45 and Stink at 5:53.  Finally, at 6:05 Reggae and Flyboy stumble in.  Wheels up at 6:10 with Stink driving as Wayne is gonna stay behind and see Pat at Hospital and come later if he’s doing OK.  If so, he’ll be on road by 10 and to water by 2.  Reggae says back is really hurting despite brace.  But, says he has plenty of drugs and booze to deal with it.  Another time honored tradition at Lewis turnoff with first beer of day due to Buck’s severe dehydration.  Stink tells “fish” story that 2 weeks ago at Lake Morgan he had 6 fish jump IN his boat, including one 4 pounder.  Raise your hand if you’re buyin this horse shit.  Arrive Dove Creek at 7:30.  Connie’s is now Deb’s Diner but same old blisters serving.  We put Pole’s order in first before anyone else orders so he can finish.  Two minutes after we finish ordering she brings Pole’s food.  Outta work out about right.  On road again at 9 and arrive at Maverick Station in Monticello at 9.  On road and stop at Tin Building piss stop at 9:50.  Electric Horseman welcomes us to one of the most beautiful drives in the nation and 70 degrees.  Stink not letting any grass grow under this rig.  He recalls his Kansas wit with this gem – “I figure if you’re goin somewhere you might as well get there”.  Hard to argue with that.  Gotta love those Kansas boys.  Called Jim little after 10.  He’s in Mancos and just opened his first beer.  Hit 46 mile turnoff piss stop at 10:40 but no picture since Wayne’s missin.  Weather OK but wind could be an issue.  Captain Knocker a wee bit concerned.  We had some contest about what time and temp would be at ramp but musta been drinkin beer cause notes don’t say anymore.  Wayne arrives about 1:30 and HB at 2.  Very windy now but loaded up and ready by 2:30.  Captain Knock does a masterful job getting us into channel.  While I fix Buckwheat’s Wayne drives HB a ways.  He prefers the snake technique which, by conservative estimate, uses at least 43% more fuel than straight line.  Wallstreet’s new “Cleat” model life jacket makes it’s debut.  Only 3 fishing boats this year as we’ve got only 11 guys.  Will not be able to fish everyone at the same time this year.  Hardly seems a problem to me.  By 3:30 we enter Moki Canyon.  Water way down and not gonna get close to last year’s primo spot.  By 4:15 we’re tied up.  Wind not too bad and time for serious cocktail hour!!  Still having a problem getting the houseboat securely tied up and having a problem with one of the left outboard.  Somewhere in this process we hear (for the first of several hundred times) that Ponch has lost a pair of $400 sunglasses in the lake.  Several questions come to my mind but they are all trumped by the main one . . . reckon what that eyewear salesperson looked like???  Musta been sumthin special.  Too bad she didn’t also sell those $2 chinguses that float your glasses when they fall in the water.  Some of the non Scotch drinkin boys sample the Oban scotch and declare in drinkable as NEAT.  Reckon it outta be at $85 a fifth.  Me and Wayne start workin on the burger patties, cheese slices, and green chiles.  During cocktail hour we talk about the cell phone app that reads the stars.  Pole claims to be the expert and then begins to talk straight outta his ass that if you hold it down toward the ground it will read the stars in the Southern Hemisphere.  In the process I close my eyes and swear that I can hear the Jakester speakin in tongues.  At 6:30 we dine on Green Chile Cheeseburgers, Freebie Beans, and Salad.  The quality of the vittles is exceeded only by the company and the booze.  Knock and Cleat do the dishes.  Boys are trying to rally but to no avail at bed grabs the Bassholes by 8:30.  Very windy and getting colder. 


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Generator is on at 5:55.  Guys on top got sand and cold in every orifice last night.  Turn on ESPN Radio and the big news is that the first openly gay pro athlete, Jason Collins, has come out.  Reportedly Michelle Obama tweeted that “we’ve got your back”.  Buck responds that “it’s not HER back he’s interested in”.  Crumb Cake, Coffee, and Bailey’s goes down mucho bueno.  Everyone but Banjo up by 7.  All busy rigging poles, baits, etc.  At 7:30 Stink, Luther, and Ponch out.  At 8:15 Ray, Wally, Denny, and Freeb out.  Banjo up at 8:15.  At 8:45 Wayne and Pole venture out in Goddard’s boat.  Pole gonna run troll motor.  This outta be interesting.  Me and Banjo just chillin and gettin things organized.  By 10:15 Deadeye and Pole back in.  No bites but they went to main channel and called home.  Pat got to go home and feeling better.  Reggae’s boat back in at 10:45 and say they caught several.  At 11:40 we dine on Wayne’s Omlette with Knock doing hash browns.  Luther gonna get fired.  Stink boat finally in at 12:15.  They caught a few but kept only one nice smallie.  At 12:30 the HB Mechanic shows up.  He’s first Gringo we’ve ever seen in that job.  He fixes frozen solenoid on starter with a hammer.  Good guy.  By 12:45 naps all around.  After naps Banjo and Pole (aka Dumb and Dumber) hike . . . (don’t ask me why!!!) up above our camp to an amphitheater.  There is also a little cave where they find an enormous log which they roll off the ledge and aim it at our camp for a possible fire pit, which presently does not exist.  Did I mention that the dumbass, former law enforcement officer threw a perfectly good pair of sunglasses in the lake??  It takes 4 guys and a rope to get the aforementioned log to the area of the potential fire pit.  By 3:45 it’s still too windy to go fishing but at 4:30 Buck goes out with Stink and Knock.  The Captain catches 2 and Buck gets a bite.  By 6 we’re back in and no one else has gone out, but they’ve set to drinking most effectively.  At 6:30 Buck gets this year’s Bruschetta ready.  Due to the fact that we forgot to get an Baguettes from Jeffi he’s forced to use Olive Bread, which, when toasted with a little Olive Oil is some kinda first class tasty.  Perhaps we don’t need any of that French shit after all.  Willie is singin in the background and when we does “My Hero’s Have Always Been Cowboys”, Wayne tells us for about the 200th time that he wants that played at his funeral.  To which Buck retorts, “You’d better add some salt to your diet and cut out that bike ridin if you expect any of us to still be around for that”.  At 7:45 we dine on a scrumptious meal of Chicken Ore House, LP Casserole, Red Chile, and Salad.  Banjo and Cleat do the dishes.  Shortly after 8 we use a little gasoline to light the huge log on fire.  Wind has died down enough that we can all gather around the fire and enjoy the 5 basic food groups:  Beer, Port, Scotch, Vodka, and Chocolate.  Doesn’t get any better than this boys and girls.  Nite Nite by 9:15 (and considerably earlier for Jon Boy).


Thursday, May 2, 20

Generator fires to life at 5:50.  Boys up top say the log burned virtually all nite long.  It was a little chilly last night and Cleat says he had to move downstairs during the night as he couldn’t stop shivering.  I’ve known several alcoholics in my lifetime that have complained of the same malady.  At 7:30 Stink, Luther and Pole head out fishing.  At 8 Reggae and Cleat shove off, and Freed, Knock, and Ponch (sans glasses) shortly thereafter.  Buck and Wayne stay in to work on breakfast burritos, since we don’t have Grace’s this year (BUMMER!!!!).  Banjo stumbles up around 9ish complaining of a Port headache.  Well deserved I’d say.  Around 10 the burritos are finished and we’re astonished to see that Buck’s plan resulted in a few too many . . . imagine that.  Around this time our neighbors in their 72 ft private HB pull out.  Group hadn’t been invited to any of our social functions as it was all old couples, except for one young pair with a baby.  We discuss moving to their spot as they do get more sun and have better tie-up spots.  We have had to use ropes WAY too long to tie up where we are.  Buck showers which, despite controls with a very small sweet spot.  Apparently showers are one of the more difficult challenges in Houseboat construction as we have never had a good one yet.  Reggae boat in at 10:15 and Cleat caught caught a whopper Striper.  Knock’s crew in at 10:45 with nuthin but cold.  Stink in 10 minutes later with no better report.  Around 11:30 a helicopter flies over headed to the end of Moki Canyon.  Don’t believe we’ve ever seen that before . . . but then we’ve only been doing this for 38 years.  Buck’s Burritos are enjoyed with some green chile and hash browns.  They are acceptable but nowhere near as good as Grace’s.  Come back please Bwana Jake!!!!  Naps by Noon.  Around 1:15 Buck, Wayne, and Banjo motor out to main channel and call home as we’ve promised we would.  All quiet which is always good news, but the boat ride was cold and breezy.  We do watch a video on TV, which is a very old show featuring Bobby Knight on a show named “Golf Your Way”.  It apparently was a 30 minute show but, based on what we watched, we’re guessing at least 12 minutes each episode was devoted to bleeps.  Very funny stuff!!!  Reggae decides to treat his aching back with a little of the National Scotch of Scotland, the Famous Grouse.  He should be all healed in no time.  Banjo takes Goddard’s boat across the lake on a firewood hunt.  He rolls 4 big ass logs into the water and hauls em back by boat.  Should be another good fire.  Dinner tonight is the wildly popular Posole by Stink, with Beans, and Green and Red Chile.  Esta Bueno!!!  Banjo fires up another gas aided fire and Port and Chocolate all around at 9, all except Luther who hits bunk.  Most of rest of us start to be around 9:30.  However, as reported later the next day, apparently the walkway to the HB took a giant leap just as Reggae prepared to come aboard.  Details to follow.  Nite Nite Bassholes.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Generator fires to life at 6:10 as Luther slept in this am.  Most up in a few to enjoy coffee, Bailey’s, and Crumb Cake.  We are also enjoying the precisely prepared Bloody Mary’s each day by Freebie. No word yet on whether or not he has mastered the recipe for blue cheese stuffed olives.  However, there is no sign yet of Greg Louganis Cousteau Gates after last night’s remarkable “dive”.  In sports news, Wings won their playoff game and series now moves back to Hockeytown.  Avs are busy making tee times at Cherry Creek CC.  By 6:30 Banjo is up but still no sign of you know who.  But, by 7:15 he lumbers in, wrapped completely in a sheet.  He looks like a ghost going to take a shit.  Apparently he went face first into the water, at which point Ponch asks him if he saw an extra pair of $400 sunglasses anywhere.  Reggae claims the Grouse is what got him as he was fightin the Plague with massive amounts of Grouse.  Around 9 Denny takes Buck and Luther out to fish.  After the others land 4 or 5 each Buck finally breaks this year’s cherry with a monster Smallie (at least 10 or 11 inches).  But that happened ONLY after Stink’s Gonad experience a major failure and had to be retired.  Can’t wait to find out where and how to file a warranty claim.  By 10:15 Buck gotta be back in to start prep on Biscuits and Gravy.  Biscuits are gonna be perfect this year thanks to the ingenious plan of wrapping them individually so we can cook 36 small ones vs 1 GIANT one.  Reggae’s boat finally in at 12:15.  Biscuits/Gravy, Hash browns, and  Over Easy Eggs are enjoyed by all.  During brunch, Pole and Freeb attempt to relate a story about their fishing escapade this am from the shoreline near camp.  Reportedly Pole caught a nice Smallie.  However, the photo they took of it showed it to be a small Largemouth.  Then they tell about how they decided to go ahead and clean it, or “Skin it” as they said.  That’s right, they didn’t say they filleted it, they said they skinned it.  But, apparently it was flopping around so much that they hit it in the head with a beer bottle to kill it.  Here we have the Ultimate Dumber and Dumbest!!!  By 12:30 Naps all around.  During naps Pole and Ponch use some left over flour to make a chalk line drawing near the site of last night’s immortal “Go Fah Down Dive”.  They decorate it with a Titleist cap, an empty VO Bottle, and a chair that perhaps jumped out and tackled him in the process of searching for Ponch’s sunglasses.  By 2:30 all 3 boats out fishing but Buck and Banjo stay back and start to take fish gear apart.  Buck is gonna organize his shit to take a limited amount of tackle back to Michigan and leave the main tackle bag at Wayne’s World.  We also, being the astute individuals we are, get an early start on cocktail hour and fire pit preparation.  All boats back in shortly and Wayne scratched himself up pretty good getting out of the fishing boat.  May have to get him either a Cleat model life jacket or an autographed Reggae Cousteau Walking Stick.  Buckloins are served at 6:45 and, as usual, are world class.  Cocktail hour in full bloom . . . all except the “Diver”.  Banjo returns with a huge load of firewood.  Pole helps him haul it and performs a gibungous “Moon Over Moki” – a site no white man should ever experience.  Dinner is mainly left overs but nobody very hungry.  All to fire pit by 8:30 for Port, Chocolate, and annual tribute to Sparky and Jasper . . . We continue to miss you boys but enjoy remembering great stories about your love of this incredible place.  Luther to bed at 9:10 and all else by 9:45. 


Saturday, May 4, 2013

The most dreaded day of the year begins at 5:51 with the generator on.  Naturally it is the best am of the trip.  We quickly begin the process of breaking camp and, as usual, the group functions efficiently and quietly, like a well oiled machine.  By 7:15 Captain Knock has maneuvered us perfectly out of our camp spot while Buck is busy making sandwiches.  We hit the Main Channel by 7:50 and call home.  All A OK.  At Hall’s Dock by 8:30 and unload.  HB heads back to Bullfrog and look for Amber at 9.  At (:15 Luther and Ponch head out as they are gonna go due north to I-70 and across to Denver that way home this time.  Rest of us kick back and wait.  By 10:53 we are wheel’s up back to Durango for the drive that is still scenic but not nearly as majestic as it was 4 short days ago.  Gas stop in Monticello and back to Durango by 3pm and its 73 degrees.  Hugs and kisses all around and promises of “see ya next year”, which we seriously mean but never take for granted.  However, the food, booze, laughter, frivolity, and camaraderie has been nothing short of spectacular.  Lake Powell, we love you and we realize just how blessed we have all been to have gotten to know you – and each other – over these last 36 years.  Until we meet again . . . Via Con Dias Mi Amigo!!!!



2013 LPLT Epilogue Summary, Observations, and Lessons Learned

In 2014, remember to see if the rules on Zebra Mussel Certificates have changed, as they seem to  every year.

It was certainly great to have Ponch rejoin us this year, even if he was a pain in the ass about his overpriced sunglasses.  Also, Ponch, lose the black socks.  But, we did seriously miss Bwana Jake and all of Grace’s goodies.  However, we certainly appreciate him letting us borrow the ropes, XM Roadie, etc.  Just remember to get your ass back next year, even though Pole did a decent job of speaking in tongues in your absence.  Also, the 3 fishing boats worked out OK for 11 of us.  Didn’t hear anybody bitch about not getting enough fishing in but that could also have been due to how slow the catching was. 

Don’t ever believe the weather forecast which called for it to be 70’s and 80’s each day.  However, it was cold and windy till Friday when it was in the 70’s and light wind.  Saturday, naturally, was spectacular. 

In the same regard, DON’T NEVER EVER believe that lying bastard and his fishing report.  This was one of our poorer catching years, but, honestly, what damned difference does that really make as we had a safe, and uneventful trip and that’s all a bunch of all farts like us can reasonably ask for. 

Without a doubt, Entertainer of the Year honors go to Ray “Louganis/Cousteau” Gates for his Double Twist, Full Layout off the low bridge.  Apparently the lesson is . . . Don’t ever fight the Plague with the Grouse . . . and, Reggae, don’t ever apologize for bringing so much enjoyment to so many!!!  At least you managed to keep “Cleat” from doing too much damage to himself.

Basic menu still works great.  Olive Bread for Brushcetta was a very good solution.  Freed, may have had a few too many beans but thicken the Green Chile a little bit.  But, Freeb, the no-measure Bloody’s were more gooder than ever.  May need more Worcestershire and Beef Broth.

Still trying to figure out why Cleat shivers even when he’s not cold.  Also, don’t know that I’ve ever seen anybody brush their teeth in the kitchen as he does but Cindy surely has a reason for that!!!

Always, let Stink lead the pack in driving from Blanding to the lake as we get an extra hour daylight. 

Moki continues to be the destination of choice for it’s beauty and convenience. 

In order to save fuel in the Houseboat don’t ever let Wayne “Snake Route” steer.

Send Mr Whipple the grocery list in advance next year to see if he can put aisle numbers on the City Market items.  Banjo, don’t know why you didn’t make that my good idea years ago. 

The GLC boys missed having a hockey bet this year but at least we didn’t get screwed by Wayne.   And, a huge thanks as always to Luther for the Famous Grouse, Bailey’s and all the countless other extra stuff he always brings!!. 

We once again agreed that 4 bottles of port just right and Sandeman 20 year old is best.  Also, need to find the Hershey Nuggets if possible and, if not, just about any other chocolate will do. 

The system for keeping the biscuits from all freezing together was brilliant!!!   

Wayne, your request for a pair of Purple Crocks like Stink has is about the same thing as a guy with Hemorrhoids rootin for a second asshole. 

Cookies, crumb cake, Muffins, and all Jeffi's bread, especially the Olive loaf, is outstanding.  Just need to try and keep bread fresh as possible (works best to put extra stuff in front freezer and just get out as it's needed).  Also put things like Cibatta buns in zip lock bags to keep them fresh as possible.

Pole, sorry but your request to change your name to either Flagstaff or Flagstiff just ain’t gonna work. 

The 59' houseboat is perfect and the generator noise was not an issue (at least for most of us)The front ice chest on the houseboat is the smartest thing they've ever done (well, except for 2 shitters). 

Don't forget to get the pillows, linens, towels, extra coffee pot, folding table, etc from Bullfrog and make sure we get sufficient quantities of Ice, especially cubed cocktail ice.  8 blocks and 6 20lb bags of crushed came out just right.  Don’t never ever let Wayne screw with it again!!

Need 60 paper plates.  Makes dish washing much easier

Check out all spare tires, boat trailer spares, wheel bearing grease, Boom Box/CD players, etc PRIOR to the trip!!!  Make sure we get Jake's XM player and power cord and Buck's antenna

So, boys, there you have it.  Now, wasn't it worth waiting for?  It was yet another successful trip despite less than stellar fishing but who really gives a rat’s ass bout that anyway?  Bottom line, we are all truly blessed to have reasonably good health, wonderful families, and despite our advancing age, be at a place in our lives where we can truly enjoy each other's company.  It is almost beyond comprehension that a group of guys can continue doing something we love so much for so long, do it so well, without major problems (other than questionable footwear, overpriced eyewear, and endless flatulence), and still want to come back for more year after year.  The almost spiritual beauty of Lake Powell is exceeded only by the boundless joy of good friends!!!  Stay Healthy mi Amigos!!!!  See you in 2014, God willing!!!!!!  Thank the good Lord for wonderful things and Watch that First Step!!!!!!!

Love, Buck

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Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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