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LPLT 2005
The Lake's a risin'

by Buck Ames


The cast for 2005 included Deadeye, Buckwheat, Luther, Stinky, Wallstreet, Jake, Freeburg, Banjo, and this year's rookie, Gary "Flagman" Auten of Rochester Hills, MI.  Flagman established his credentials for the trip early this year by buying 4 cases of assorted Michigan microbrews (you know the kind that a fork will stand by itself in the head for two days) just in the event that the assorted crap that Freebie normally brings along was skunky.  However, Flagman soon learned that UPS apparently found his choices too skanky and refused to ship them.  Never fear, Buck, Banjo and the FMan did load themselves up with some other Michigan products, namely the Strick9 and Super Stud tubes and jig heads aptly named for our pal Kim "Dixie" Stricker.  These products have proven very successful with the fish in this part of the world but apparently far less appetizing to humans as Gambler filed for bankruptcy shortly after beginning to markets Dixie's new lures.  Anyway, enough of the trip preparation.  Commuting to Durango proved interesting as the 3 DC boys managed to miss one airplane and get cut off the booze on another before arriving.  Luther didn't exactly help the trade value of the pickup he drove down by bouncing it off the guard rails coming over Lizard Head pass.  However all did arrive safe and sound and Stinky did come through with a loaner bass boat from a (former) friend with the caution that "she leaks a bit".  But more about that later.  The LPLT crew did depart Durango at 6:10am on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 in blue but very cold skies.  The first dilemma we faced was that the long time breakfast and potty stop of choice, Connie's Blue Mountain Cafe, in Dove Creek is now closed.  However, we did find another more than acceptable greasy spoon named the Food Basket or something equally clever.  Their food proved to be more than acceptable, the waitress was smokin hot (by Dove Creek standards) and they actually thought we were funny.  Buck was somewhat miffed when he went to use the "convenience" and found that they had a room only for "Gentlemen".  He fooled them by using it anyway.  Calls were also made to our missing comrades.  Knickerknocker was smart and gave Deadeye a wrong number OR, Deadeye was drunk and dialed it wrong.  Either way we never got a hold of the banker.  A message was left for DooDoo, requesting he perform a physical impossibility.  It was then on to Monticello and the quest to show the rookie the horse's head.  After 16 beers and much coaching in that 40 miles, the rookie claimed to see the horse, and the entire Calgary Stampede on the face of the Henry's.  The Doo did catch up to Buckwheat during the next tinkle stop at the abandoned tin building outside of Blanding.  Actually the Doo sounded quite relieved that he was wrestlin with contractors on his multimillion dollar money pit on Cass Lake rather than sharing libations with the LPLT boys.  It was on to the Lake without incident.  We unloaded on the Halls side and sent Deadeye, Jake, and Freebie on to get the houseboat.  The weather was beautiful, clear blue skies, no wind and about 65 degrees.  We headed down the Lake (Banjo kept his wedding ring on, and we found a very nice houseboat site on the west side of the lake, just about a mile south of Annies Canyon, and across the main channel from Walleye Point.  The first night out was a very memorable one as massive amounts of pain killers were injected.  Jake was speaking in tongues, Deadeye was gigglin up a storm, Banjo was jabberin, Flagman was amazed and Buckwheat couldn't quite remember the details of the infamous "Fly over the trout stream in Alaska" story.  We awoke the next morning to the good news that Wallstreet had NOT forgotten the cinnamon rolls this year (actually they were from 2004 when he did forget).  However he had forgotten to thaw them the night before so he got some serious demerits for that.  Wednesday was another beautiful day and the fishing was quite good. Banjo was the champ after catching a fish on his very first cast of the trip and boating 10+ smallies that morning.  The forecast for Wed night was for wind and rain but we got very little of either.  However, the loaner boat, you know, the ones that leaks a bit, was discovered to have taken on about a thousand gallons of water during the night.  Thursday am was cool and breezy and Stinky decided the only way to adequately drain the water was to pull the plug while blasting down the lake.  That presented an issue also as this boat alternated between running on two cylinders at about 5 mph, and wide open at about 30.  The plan was that Banjo would drive and Stinky would hang himself over the transom and pull the plug.  It took about 20 minutes of coaxing to get the boat up on plane and another 10 or so of it taking a leak before Stinky cheated death once again by putting plug back in.  By that time they were frozen nearly to death.  After all that, wouldn't you know it, the starter on Stinky's boat froze up and Banjo, Stink, and Flagman spent the next hour tearing that apart, with lots of moral support and guidance from Luther and Wallstreet.  After all that action ceased, the team of Stinky, Jake and Deadeye were the winners in the fishing tournament with a total of 8 fish versus 7 for the group of Freebie, Luther, and Banjo.  (EDITOR'S NOTE: I may have those teams wrong but who gives a drizzlin shit since I'm sure my team got skunked).  The weather that afternoon, for Buck's birthday party was wet, cold, and windy so much good drinkin, eatin, and nappin was in store.  The highlight of the evening was listenin to Lewis tell about Old Nellie and the bugle one more time.  Friday actually turned out to be a beautiful day.  Fishin was good in the morning, biscuits and gravy were superb and, again, naps were abundant.  One group hiked to the top of the Flying Eagle Arch and put their names in the book for posterity.  Cudos to Flagman the Flatlander for making that trek.  In fact, after dinner the discussion took a nasty turn toward Banjo and the fact that he's never been up to the arch.  The Executive Committee huddled quickly and voted Flagaman Rookie of the Year and an automatic pass for 2006, but placed Banjo on double secret probation.  We can expect a ruling on his exact status sometime in the next 355 days.  After the meeting adjourned an even uglier incident occurred.  Let's just say, for the sake of being discreet, that a political debate ensued with one very balding Chevy dealer being badly outnumbered.  Luther and Buckwheat tired of this discussion rather quickly and excused themselves.  I'm told that the debate raged till very late with not much movement on either side of the issue.  Saturday was a typical going home day . . . IT SUCKED!!!  Actually the weather was beautiful and the highlight of the day was watching 6 Denver yuppies launch their million dollar boat without the plug.  The fact that the bilge began pumping about 100 gallons a second was a dead give away, even to that novice crowd.  SEE THE ATTACHED.  Fortunately the camera man was handy to capture the moment of Banjo going to their rescue (or at least he went to the pleasure of the token Chilie in the group, the one with his pant's rolled up and the giant smile on his face.  Apparently Banjo has been doing lots of work with his Hard Drive this year!!!)  The drive back to Durango was uneventful and all promised to meet at the same place again in March of 2006, plus KnickerKnocker and Doo Doo, to do it all again next year.  Hopefully we'll have hockey once again, the DC will buy the booze once more, and maybe, just maybe, Banjo will figure out a way to get off probation and join in for the hike to the Arch in '06.  Huge thanks to Luther for providing many cool party gifts and the majority of the community booze this year (I'm pretty sure he spent more than the standard GLC $12 allowance).  Oh, and one more thing, NO MORE political discussions!!!!! 

Until next year . . . goodnight, Bassholes.

horizontal rule


Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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