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LPLT 2006
Cast 'em and blast 'em

by Buck Ames


OK, Bassholes, here it is . . .
the long awaited 2006 LPLT Epilogue.  I'm really not sure what an Epilogue is but it seems only fitting and proper, after as long as you have waited.  So, sit back, relax, have a beer or three and take a stroll down memory lane.  Enjoy!! 

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Banjo, Flagman, and Buck get an early start on this year's trip with a Saturday departure.  The trip got off to an eventful start as Buck lost his driver's license and NW card on the shuttle bus.  Chaos ensued at the ticket counter and Banjo and Flagman momentarily panicked at the thought of not being able to get into the WorldClub for free drinks without Buck.  Believe it or not a call to the parking facility verified that some kind soul had found it and given it to the driver and she made a special trip back to the airport to bring the missing documents.  A $10 tip and much embarrassment later and the Fearless threesome made their way to the WorldClub for the first of 19 cocktails and 2 beers for Buck that day, to say nothing of the 122 packets of cheese that Buck and Flagman "acquired" at 3 different clubs that day, with intermediate stops in Minneapolis and Denver.  We managed to get "excused" from the Continental Club in Denver and, thus had to actually purchase the 2 beers in the Mexican Cantina at the Denver Airport.  On the flight to Denver the pilot graciously popped for free drinks.  The sole Flight Attendant was obviously swamped with free drink requests and Buck was pressed into duty, serving drinks and free snacks to everyone (except the two obviously drunk and disorderly GLC members - Proof #1, #2, #3, #4).  After finally arriving in Durango everything was in order except Deadeye arrived late.  Must have taken extra time for the false teeth and mullet wig he was sporting.  We would have ditched him except he had "Buckwheat" fixins in the vehicle for the long ride to the Diamond Belle for just what we needed . . . more cocktails.  We finally arrived at Rancho Sunni Jane sometime just before first light on Sunday.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
After a very slow start to Recovery Day and a walk (say what) with the Morehart clan and watching their cat playing a one-sided game of cat and mouse, the 4 Amigos departed for Farmington to the Sam's Club for bulk provisions and mucho cervecas . . . ah, just what we needed!!  Buck cooked a scrumptious dinner and we were joined by Jamie and Eric back from their trip to some third world country in South America.  Following dinner we relaxed under the stars for a relaxing fire in the chimena . . . that is until Buck decided to build a real fire and took a hip check and a shower from the garden hose from Miss Sunni Jane.  Finally to bed only to listen to Flagman snore as if he were calling the Ancient Ones back to life.  Would turn out to be only a prelude to what was to come.
Monday, April 24, 2006
An early start as Deadeye had some b/s meeting so Buck, Banjo and Flagman did the obligatory Bakery run.  Good to see Jeffi and get loaded up on some outstanding carbs.  Off to WalMart for a bunch of shit we didn't need but seemed like a good idea at the time (kind of the underlying story of the experience, isn't it?).  Luther and Knocker (great to have you back after a 3 year absence, too bad you're to f'ing cheap to bring the Deuce along) arrived and we all went for another outstanding lunch at Gaspacho's (best Carne Adovada on the planet) and a chance to get caught up with David "the Counselor" Smith.  Back to the dealership and Luther helped Deadeye pay for his trip with a new Chevy Truck purchase.  Thanks for the business, Luther, us retirees appreciate the help paying for the pension.  Flagman and Freebie demonstrated some serious Beer Snobery at the Beer Store by buying all the old crap that nobody else in Southwest Colorado would take off their shelves.   We picked up a beautiful bass boat that Brother Goddard (yes, the one who took the drunken flying leap off the front of the houseboat back in the 80's . . . boy ain't been right sense, otherwise he'd a never let Stinky talk him into letting us morons borrow his boat) graciously let us borrow and Jake finally arrived at the dealership and immediately began complaining about some missing boat part . . . think it was either a thinly disguised excuse for not catching any fish or a reason to dance with the Plastic Poisoning demons once again).  After a trip to the grocery store (God they love us in the Shitty Market) and two more trips to the bakery later and we are officially over the GVW.  Finally to bed (sure hope Wallstreet sets his alarm clock this year) and more opportunity to listen to Flagman call to the dead.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Wallstreet actually shows up on time, but naturally forgot the Cinnamon rolls.  Nice going Wallski, maybe we will take Bogey instead next year.  Finally depart at 6:08am, missing Jake who is MIA with the same lame excuse about some missing boat part.  First beer at Roundup Junction, the normal spot where Buck always get's parched.  Ten minutes later Buck has to pee, BAD.  Can't see the horse head due to lack of snow but Flagman claims to see it's antlers . . . have another beer, Belly boy!!  We finally arrive in Dove Creek and park . . . where else . . . in a Church parking lot.  Buck sprinkles Holy Water on the sacred grounds.  Ah, sweet relief.  Unfortunately, Connie's Blue Mountain Cafe is closed.  Seems they just can't make it on our repeat business alone.  We have a delightful breakfast instead at the Lunch Box and observe that their choice in Waitresses is far superior to the collection of old blisters we had come to know and love at Connie's.  We make a call to Doo-Doo who is, once again, missing in action.  He reports that he has read the fishing report and it actually said that the fishing was going to be so good that even Buck could actually catch fish this year.  Well, we'll see about that!!  We stop in Blanding and Freebie runs into some Krauts from Germany, speaks a wee bit of Deutch and cons the Krauts out of some free Pilsner . . . the only decent beer he would drink for the next 5 days.  One of the time honored traditions continues with playing of the Electric Horseman at the 74 mile turnoff for one of the most beautiful and enjoyable drives on the planet (why is it so much shorter and rowdy going west on Tuesday than east on Saturday?).  The weather is perfect, the beer is exquisite and the pee stops are numerous and satisfying.  Another obligatory and traditional stop at the Hall's turnoff for the annual photo op and off we go. Several piss stops later we arrive at the Big Water at 11am.  After watching Wallstreet peruse the new library for a couple hours and a fascinating meeting with Captain Whitey (terminal case of Short Man's disease), we shove off in the best houseboat we've ever had . . . GREAT job, Luther, you're permanently in charge of boat selection!!  We all congregate on the top, courtesy of the outstanding Flying Bridge.  Wallstreet actually captains us down the lake without once getting lost or hitting the wall, while continuing to memorize the newest library additions.  Who wooda thunk it??  Buck also repeats another time honored tradition with the always classic . . . Donde es Cerveza?schitck.  God he cracks up Banjo every time.  At approximately 3:30 we somehow navigate to the end of Cave Canyon and find the perfect camp spot . . . sure was a lot wider on Tuesday going in than it was on Saturday coming out.  Banjo performs a miracle with some aluminum foil to actually get the XM Roadie to play, thus ensuring that we could all hear both our Wings and AvNots implode each night.  Banjo and Flagman hang a Wings banner on a bouy in the bay for directional signs for Jake (sure seemed like a good plan at the time).  After an outstanding meal of stuffed burgers, frijoles and massive amounts of Buckwheats and Bucktinis (Freebie have you ever figured out the recipe for blue cheese stuffed olives yet?), and a listen to Ron White "You Can't Fix Stupid" (think he was trying to tell us something) and Roy D. Mercer(Well, By God, how'd you like an ass whoopin?), Freebie is completely wasted and falls asleep at the dinner table . . . must have been the free Kraut beer.  We adjourn for a restful night under the stars on the top only Deadeye's ghetto blaster has got the broke and, thus, a tradition of Stardust under the stars is broken.  Buck and Knocker actually make a return appearance to the top, only to be blasted off the top by Flagman's World Class Snoring . . . God, how do the rest of you boys stand that?  
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
We finally stumble out of bed, cuss Flagman for a couple hours and ultimately find Jake wondering aimlessly down the Lake . . . apparently he thought Brigham himself had placed a Red Wings banner on buoy # whatever a hundred and fifty years ago.  Good news is that his boat is fixed and the better news is that he actually has Cinnamon Rolls.  Thanks again, Wallstreet.  Weather is spectacular and the Chorizo is a big hit in the now infamous Bask Omlette.  We all, even Freebie, catch some fish and after massive amounts of Bloody Mary's, catch a well deserved nap.  Jake takes us on a boat ride in the new Queen, marred only by Banjo and Deadye dropping Trow and, much worse, Luther answering serve.  Now there's a site no white man should ever have to endure.  Return to the houseboat and, after the first of his 3 a day showers, Wallstreet detects a "Grey Water" smell . . . never a good sign on the first full day on the houseboat.  This calls for alcohol and, after a spell, Jake starts speaking in tongues, Stink doing what he does best, and Deadye gets the giggles and pours a drink on Knocker this year . . . guess he didn't want to waste good booze (courtesy of the DC AGAIN, thank you boys) on Buck this year.  First bottle of Port goes bye-bye.  Gonna be a long trip!!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Fishing and weather still strong. Stink continues to show off but, again, we all, yes, even Freebie, catch fish.  Flagman even catches a world record, or at least a Lake Powell Luxury Tours record (eclipsing Buck's catch of Deadeye's face years ago), when he snags Wallstreet with a near perfect hook set.  Freebie continues to perfect the Bloody recipe and Banjo makes an ice run after some World Class Breakfast Burritos . . . thanks a million, Grace.  Wallstreet now has all the new library memorized and has to resort to reading about miniature Railroads, say what???  He also continues with hourly showers.  Banjo gets drunk (big surprise, huh) plays pyro with the tumbleweeds, and actually agrees to a hike to the arch.  Buck can't find the garlic and pouts about how bad the bruschetta is without it.  Second bottle of port vanishes.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Happy Birthday, Buck.  Decision is made to hold a fishing tourney.  A total of 98 fish are caught.  Stink's boat wins, thanks to his total of 24 . . . showoff!!  The Old Fart boat of Freebie, Wallstreet and Jake are losers and have to do dishes on Biscuits and Gravy day (not for the faint of heart).  The new frozen biscuits are a huge hit although Stink pouts that he didn't get to roll em out with a beer bottle again.  After naps, Buck, Deadeye, Banjo, Flagman, and Freebie hike to the arch and deposit a new journal in the metal box.  Despite the fact that the Good Lord ran out of oxygen up there, the view is magnificent . . . If that ain't Heaven, you can see it from there!!  For some unknown reason we all agree that Moses was a Mother F#*ker.  Can't really remember what that was all about, but it was hysterical at the time.  Jake catches an enormous Striper, Freebie cleans fish and almost cuts his hand off, Wallstreet take s several more showers, stops up the shitter (where's the stick?) and the Grey Water smell is now terminal.  It's determined the holding tanks are completely full and no more showers or running water.  Just what all us old bastards needed after a hike to the arch.  No dinner as we're all full to the gills and can't wash dishes anyway.  Wind blows like a mutha for awhile and we all get drunk as a result (imagine that?).  We sober up for the annual tribute to Sparky and Jasper, God we miss you boys!!  At least it quit blowing long enough for a gigantic bonfire and the third bottle of port and liberal quantities of chocolates are consumed.  Stink starts the generator at 4am for some reason known only to him (way I got her figured, he was trying to compete with the racket from Flagman . . . valiant effort young man, but NO cigar).  Either that or he wanted to watch some training films.  Flagman snores at sustained 50 decibels with gusts up to 85. 
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Up at 6:00am.  Weather is again perfect.  Always seems to be on go home day.  Break camp at 7:00 and Knocker brings new meaning to the term, Rear Admiral, with a remarkable demonstration of backing a 60 foot houseboat out of an opening only slightly larger than Stink's  . . . no, don't want to go there.  Tie up the fishing boats at 7:35 and Jake demonstrates the perfect permanent knot.  Buck makes sandwiches with some outstanding Chipotle pulled pork (there's a joke there somewhere but I won't go that far).  Actually doesn't cut himself, so no need for the extra roll of duct tape after all.  Garlic is found in front cooler and now Buck is really pissed.  No one will fess up but Luther disappears during the inquisition.  Arrive at dock at 10am.  Knocker, Luther, and Banjo return the houseboat and departure for Durango at 1pm.  Stop to gas up and pee in Dove Creek.  Flagman leaves a world class deposit in the convenience store . . . guess we'll have to find another place next year.  Arrive in Durango at 4:30.  Luther and Knocker depart for Luther's Cabin.  God only knows what kind of Brokeback experience those two had.  Dinner in Durango with Jamie, Jeffi, and Jen and lights out at 9pm.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Up at 4:30am, leave for airport at 5:05.  Big mistake.  Last 3 of 37 to check in for 6:20 flight.  Told plane is overweight and we will be bumped.  After expressing our concern, the Airport Gestapo ultimately decide they'd seen enough of our act and Banjo and Buckwheat are cleared to go, but Flagman is to be left behind.  Guess the Pilot had heard him snore.  After he quickly demonstrates some of his hidden talents, they realize they don't want him in Durango any longer either and let him board but leave all our luggage behind . . . Buck and Banjo definitely got the shitty end of that trade.  Arrive in Denver at 7:30, just in time for one more breakfast burrito and beer.  Leave Denver at 9:10 and first Bloody Mary of the day at 9:20.  NW could learn a lot from Freebie.  Home some time that afternoon after many free cocktails in first class and more cheese at the WorldClubs.  Nothing like your own bed.  Luggage finally arrives on Monday.
LPLT 2006 Epilogue Summary and Lessons Learned
Bring an FM Antenna.  XM Roadie and Roy D. Mercer were huge hits!!
Secure the garlic, and don't let Luther touch it
Bring Grey Water Pump
Menus just get's better every year
God must have been in a hell of a good mood the day he invented Green Chilie
Bring Sugar for Jake
Put someone other than Deadeye in charge of Ghetto Blaster (Wally World, here we come)
DC did another great job on the Booze (practice does make perfect).  3 Half Gallons of Kettle One is barely enough.  GLC did a great job on the Port(20 year only).  15 bottles of "good" tonic just about right
Flagman is Undisputed Champion Snorer of the Free World.  Guess Daughter Katie learned Sign Language as a result of significant hearing loss
Get a 2nd Houseboat for Wallstreet's showers and a 3rd for Flagman's snoring
Cut Morehart, Freebie and Jake off early
Put rearview mirrors on the Houseboat, especially if Knocker goes AWOL again
Sam's Club a great deal for the bulk items
Bring Fuses (does anyone remember why??)
Toolbox a great addition
Bring more tumbleweeds, Banjo needs the practice
If you're going to arrive late for the plane, make sure you take Flagman along
Thanks to Jake and Goddard for the new boats, but order the replacement parts way earlier
In the event a fishing tournament breaks out, make sure you draw Stink
Wider houseboat good, holding tanks bad
Bring a bigger carryon for cheese
Take copious notes and try not to lose them for months at a time

The older we get the more we realize how much we appreciate good health, good friends, and good booze and how much we hate to lose any of these blessings.  Thank you, Bassholes, for your friendship.  I cherish the memories we've made together!!!!

LPLT 2007, the 30 year Anniversary, will be a week earlier this year due to Buck's daughter's wedding.  Can't Wait!!!!  Sure would be nice to see "the Doo" once again!!!!
The End
Love, Buck
P. S.  GO WINGS!!!!!!

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Feb 24, 2016

Lake Powell elevation is currently 105.32 feet below Full Pool (Elevation 3,700)

By content, Lake Powell is currently 46.25% of Full Pool (24,322,000 af)

Halls Crossing

Updated: 02/24/2016

LPLT '15:

Lake Elevation:

Water Temp:
53.1° F

· Bass Pro Shops
· Cabelas
· Quail Unlimited

· Ketel One Vodka
· 45th Parallels Spirits

· Alcoholics Anonymous

· Willie Nelson
· Allison Kraus
· Fleetwood Mac (for Jim)


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